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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 28 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 8 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 8 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 8 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, Iliad 4 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 4 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
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Aeschines, On the Embassy, section 126 (search)
But there is no truth in your story, as those who messed with me have come to testify—Aglaocreon of Tenedos and latrocles the son of Pasiphon, with whom I slept every night during the whole time, from beginning to end; they know that I was never away from them a single night, nor any part of a night. We present also our slaves and offer them for torture;Slave testimony was accepted in the Athenian courts only when it was given, or offered, under torture. and I offer to interrupt my speech if the prosecution agree. The officer shall come in and administer the torture in your presence, gentlemen of the jury, if you so order. There is still time enough to do it, for in the apportionment of the day eleven jars of water have been assigned to my defence.A definite time, measured by the water clock, or clepsydra, was assigned to each side. How long a time would be occupied by the running of one amphora of water through the clepsydra, we have no means of knowin
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
After putting to sea from Aulis they touched at Tenedos. It was ruled by Tenes, son of Cycnus and Proclia, his banishment, and his elevation to the throne of Tenedos, is similarly told by Paus. 10.14.2-4; Tzetzes, Scnes landed and settled in the island, and called it Tenedos after himself. But Cycnus afterwards learning the t the earth. So when the Greeks were standing in for Tenedos, Tenes saw them and tried to keep them off by throw According to Proclus, the Greeks were feasting in Tenedos when Philoctetes was bitten by a water-snake. This Philoctetes, the accident to Philoctetes happened, not in Tenedos, but in the small island of Chryse, where a goddess of tha79ff., 613ff. Putting to sea from Tenedos they made sail for Troy, and sent Ulysses and Menelliast on Hom. Il. iii.206, it was despatched from Tenedos. Herodotus says that the envoys were sent after the landin
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
of his sword. while the rest, when night had fallen, were to burn their tents, and, putting to sea, to lie to off Tenedos, but to sail back to land after the ensuing night. They followed the advice of Ulysses and introduced the doughtiest intand leaving Sinon, who was to light a beacon as a signal to them, they put to sea by night, and lay to off Tenedos. And at break of day, when the Trojans beheld the camp of the Greeks deserted and believed that they had fns of poetry and art. And when night fell, and all were plunged in sleep, the Greeks drew near by sea from Tenedos, and Sinon kindled the beacon on the grave of Achilles to guide them.The beacon-light kindled by the deserter andpe, and lighted on the walls, and having opened the gates they admitted their comrades who had landed from Tenedos. And marching, arms in hand, into the city, they entered the houses and slew the sleepers. Neoptolemus slew Priam
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
at play, see The Fragments of Sophocles, ed. A. C. Pearson, vol. i. pp. 121ff. A different story of the rivalry of the two seers is told by Conon 6. After sacrificing, Agamemnon put to sea and touched at Tenedos. But Thetis came and persuaded Neoptolemus to wait two days and to offer sacrifice; and he waited. But the others put to sea and encountered a storm at Tenos; for Athena entreated Zeus to send a tempest against the Greeks; ar native countries, he kindled the beacon fire on Mount Caphereus, which is now called Xylophagus; and there the Greeks, standing in shore in the belief that it was a harbor, were cast away. After remaining in Tenedos two days at the advice of Thetis, Neoptolemus set out for the country of the Molossians by land with Helenus, and on the way Phoenix died, and Neoptolemus buried him;Compare Hagias, Returns, summarized by Proclus, in Epicorum Graec
Aristotle, Politics, Book 4, section 1291b (search)
with the arts and crafts, another the commercial classoccupied in buying and selling and another the one occupied with the sea—and this is divided into the classes concerned with naval warfare, with trade, with ferrying passengers and with fishing (for each of these classes is extremely numerous in various places, for instance fishermen at Tarentum and Byzantium, navy men at Athens, the mercantile class at Aegina and Chios, and the ferryman-class at Tenedos), and in addition to these the hand-working class and the people possessing little substance so that they cannot live a life of leisure, also those that are not free men of citizen parentage on both sides, and any other similar class of common people; while among the notables wealth, birth, virtue, education, and the distinctions that are spoken of in the same group as these, form the classes.The first kind of democracy therefore is the one which receives the n<
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 1, chapter 15 (search)
h=se d' a)/gwn i(/n' *a)qhnai/wn i(/stanto fa/lagges, Hom. Il. 2.557-558. The Lacedaemonians, acting as arbitrators between Athens and Megara, who were fighting for the possession of Salamis, decided in favor of Athens on the strength of the two lines in the Iliad, which were taken to show that Salamis belonged to Athens. It was reported that the second line was the invention of Solon. as a witness, and recently the inhabitants of Tenedos to Periander of CorinthIt is not known to what this refers. against the Sigeans. Cleophon also made use of the elegiacs of Solon against Critias, to prove that his family had long been notorious for licentiousness, otherwise Solon would never have written: Bid me the fair-haired Critias listen to his father.(Frag. 22, P.L.G. 2, where the line runs, ei)pe/menai *kriti/a| canqo/trixi patro\s a)kou/ein). The Critias attacked by Cleoph
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 2, chapter 24 (search)
d, either as the mouse-slayer and protector of crops, or because the animal was sacred to him. The story, alluded to elsewhere, was of Greek, not of Egyptian origin. Similar panegyrics on ridiculous things or animals included pots, counters, salt, flies, bees, and such subjects as death, sleep, and food. Or if one were to say that nothing is more honorable than to be invited to a dinner, for because he was not invited Achilles was angry with the Achaeans at Tenedos; whereas he was really angry because he had been treated with disrespect, but this was an accident due to his not having been invited.Sophocles, The Gathering of the Greeks (T.G.F. p. 161), a satyric drama. His not being invited was a mere accident of the disrespect. Another fallacy is that of the Consequence.Assuming a proposition to be convertible, when it is not; it does not follow, assuming that all the high-minded dwell by themselves, tha
Demosthenes, On the Accession of Alexander, section 20 (search)
Now, men of Athens, you have most distinctly seen this done by the Macedonians; for they have grown so arrogant that they forced all our ships coming from the Black Sea to put in at Tenedos, and under one pretence or another refused to release them until you passed a decree to man and launch a hundred war-galleys instantly, and you put Menestheus in command.
Demosthenes, On the Crown, section 302 (search)
to preserve places already at our disposal, such as Proconnesus, Chersonesus, Tenedos, by sending succor to them and by suitable speeches and resolutions; to secure the friendship and alliance of such places as Byzantium, Abydos, and Euboea; to destroy the most important of the existing resources of the enemy, and to make good the deficiencies of our own city. All these purposes were accomplished by my decrees and my administrative acts.
Demosthenes, Against Theocrines, section 35 (search)
t is he who paid—or rather in whose house were paid—the mina and a half to this man who cannot be bribed, in the matter of the decree which Antimedon proposed on behalf of the people of Tenedos.Tenedos, an island in the Aegean, off the west coast of Phrygia. Deposition Read also in sequence the other depositions of the same sTenedos, an island in the Aegean, off the west coast of Phrygia. Deposition Read also in sequence the other depositions of the same sort, and that of HypereidesA prominent Athenian orator and statesman. and Demosthenes. For this goes beyond all else—that the fellow should be most glad, by selling indictments to get money from men, from whom no one else would think of demanding it.That is, these men were too influential to fear blackmail from a man like Theocrines. Depositions <