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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 7: Seven Pines, or Fair Oaks. (search)
could open up there, and rode on, ordering Hood to find communication with my left. Smith's other brigades were: Whiting's, commanded by Colonel Law; Hampton's, Pettigrew's, and Hatton's; Whiting commanding the division, Smith commanding the left wing. Smith quotes Colonel Frobel, who was with him at the time,--viz.: Whiting's brund of Couch's work at 4.30. In less than an hour he had surveyed the ground and placed his troops to receive battle. General Smith attacked with Hampton's, Pettigrew's, and Hatton's brigades. It seems he made no use of artillery, though on the field right and left the opportunity was fair. The troops fought bravely, as did y, rolling fire of musketry and the boom of cannon that told of deadly work as far as the Williamsburg road, but it did not last. General Hatton was killed, General Pettigrew wounded and a prisoner, and General Hampton wounded. General Smith was beaten. General Sumner reported: I ordered the following regiments, Eighty-second
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 23: battle of Fredericksburg (continued). (search)
eroic assault the Stone wall a sheet of flame General Jackson loses his opportunity to advance the charge of Meade's divisions compared with that of Pickett, Pettigrew, and Trimble's columns at Gettysburg forty per cent. Killed in charging lines here, and sixty per cent. At Gettysburg total losses peace to be declared becaumen. Franklin had, including troops of the Centre Grand Division, about equal force. The charge of Meade's division has been compared with that of Pickett's, Pettigrew's, and Trimble's at Gettysburg, giving credit of better conduct to the former. The circumstances do not justify the comparison. When the fog lifted over Meaown into the fight. Meade's march to meet his adversary was half a mile,--the troops of both sides fresh and vigorous. Of the assaulting columns of Pickett, Pettigrew, and Trimble, only four thousand seven hundred under Pickett were fresh; the entire force of these divisions was only fifteen thousand strong. They had a mile t
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 26: Gettysburg-First day. (search)
other division under Early was at York. On the 30th, Rodes was at Heidlersburg, Early near by, and Johnson, with the reserve artillery, near Green Village. Pettigrew's brigade of Heth's division, advancing towards Gettysburg on the 30th, encountered Buford's cavalry and returned to Cashtown. On the 29th, General Meade wire beyond Cashtown, and as it increased he left me and rode faster for the front. The brigades of Gamble and Devin of Buford's cavalry were the force that met Pettigrew's brigade on the afternoon of the 30th, when the latter retired to the post of the divisions at Cashtown. From Gettysburg roads diverge to the passes of the allant advance, drove Archer back, followed across the run, and captured General Archer and one thousand of his men. The other two brigades of Pender's division, Pettigrew's and Brockenbrough's, were put in on the right of Archer's men. During the severe engagement on his right the advance of the Confederate infantry got in so clos
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
ng charge of Generals Pickett, Trimble, and Pettigrew Armistead falls by the side of the Federal e Third Corps to be assigned were Heth's and Pettigrew's divisions and Wilcox's brigade. At therps in echelon and guarding Pickett's right; Pettigrew's division on Pickett's left, supported by tcommand of General Trimble. The brigades of Pettigrew's division were Archer's, Pettigrew's, BrocPettigrew's, Brockenbrough's, and Davis's. (General Archer having been taken prisoner on the 1st, his brigade was unown locks flowing quite over his shoulders. Pettigrew's division spread their steps and quickly red. General Lane succeeded Trimble, and with Pettigrew held the battle of the left in steady ranks.l beside the wheels of the enemy's battery. Pettigrew was wounded, but held his command. Generth's division, Maj.-Gen. Henry Heth, Brig.-Gen. J. J. Pettigrew: -First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. J. PeBrig.-Gen. J. J. Pettigrew, Col. J. K. Marshall; 11th N. C., Col. Collett Leventhorpe; 26th N. C., Col. Henry K. Burgwy
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 29: the wave rolls back. (search)
9: the wave rolls back. Confederates retreat from Gettysburg the Federals pursue crossing the Potomac under difficulties Kilpatrick's cavalry dash on Pettigrew's command General Lee thought to rest his army in the Valley of Virginia, but Meade followed too fast engagements that harassed the retreat General Lee wishedt — up trouble, when daylight came, and with it General Lee to relieve and give us opportunity for a little repose. The division of the Third Corps under General Pettigrew formed the rear of the infantry line, which was to be covered by Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry. But the cavalry brigadier rode off and crossed the river, leaving, . The consequence was that when Kilpatrick's cavalry rode up it was taken to be the Confederates ordered for their rear-guard. Instead of friends, however, General Pettigrew found a foe. He was surprised by a dashing cavalry charge, was wounded, and died after a few days. Some artillery, three standards (of the Virginia infantry