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John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 5: the crisis (search)
fusal on the part of Beacon Street to ask Wendell Phillips to dinner, the black-balling at the Clubsn, Charles Sumner, Henry I. Bowditch, and Wendell Phillips became converts to the cause. Every viller 21, produced its Bowditch, its Sumner, its Phillips. There were now six State and three hundred eeting to which the dazzling eloquence of Wendell Phillips has given immortality. It was a free-spe hoped to stampede it in favor of the South. Phillips was an unknown young lawyer, the scion of a v the whole meeting would break up in a riot. Phillips had great difficulty in getting the attentionn the riot at Alton and the Boston Tea Party, Phillips continued: Sir, when I heard the gentleman la At length the Hon. William Sturgis came to Mr. Phillips's side at the front of the platform. He was met with cries of Phillips or nobody, Make him take back recreant; he shan't go on till he takes i man who addresses you in a decorous manner. Phillips resumed his speech and made in this, his debu[2 more...]
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 7: the man of action (search)
Bible so well, or could produce a text to fit a political emergency with such startling felicity as Garrison. Take for example, the text provided by him for Wendell Phillips's speech on the Sunday morning following Lincoln's call for troops in 1861. Therefore thus saith the Lord; Ye have not hearkened unto me in proclaiming liberto politics. ... It is disheartening to see that every blow we strike thus tells in a degree against ourselves, and yet duty bids us keep on striking. It is Wendell Phillips who in this passage is accurately describing the operation of a great law of influence, and who yet seems to see in it merely evidence of human perversity. wer of enjoyment which Garrison possessed he shared with all, or almost all, the Abolitionists; their work made them happy. I have seen him intimately, said Wendell Phillips, for thirty years, while raining on his head was the hate of the community, when by every possible form of expression malignity let him know that it wished h
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 8: the Rynders mob (search)
f opposition had been some ill-timed and senseless applause — or what seemed such. And as it came from one little portion of the audience, Dr. Furness asked Wendell Phillips at his side what it meant. It means, he said, that there is to be a row. The reference to the Catholic Church gave the first opening to the leader of the g Our demeanor made it impossible for the rioters to use any physical force against us. Rynders found himself in the midst of Francis and Edmund Jackson, of Wendell Phillips, of Edmund Quincy, of Charles F. Hovey, of William H. Furness, of Samuel May, Jr., of Sydney Howard Gay, of Isaac T. Hopper, of Henry C. Wright, of Abby Kellere instantly turned to the back of the platform, or stage rather, so dramatic was the scene; and there, amidst a group, stood a large man, so black that, as Wendell Phillips said, when he shut his eyes you could not see him. As he approached, Rynders exclaimed: Well, this is the original nigger. I've heard of the magnanimity of
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Chapter 10: foreign influence: summary (search)
a unity, despite the incessant tearing and crumbling that were the normal accompaniment of its spreading influence. I have never met the man or woman, said Wendell Phillips in 1865, who had struck any effectual blow at the slave system in this country, whose action was not born out of the heart and conscience of William Lloyd Garrison. There is a certain verbal exaggeration in Phillips' statement; but the idea conveyed is true. Garrison's preeminence is incontestable. In agitation, as elsewhere, the great man eats up the little man; he sets the clock in the little man's bosom by his own chronometer — or rather, all this is done for both of them by thenames of any of those men whom you most revere and love, without calling down the wildest demonstrations of popular enthusiasm. I never mentioned the names of Mr. Phillips or Mr. Garrison, that it did not call forth a storm of approbation. It was through all this intercourse between the Abolitionists and the liberals of Englan
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison, Index (search)
5, 246. Otis, Harrison Gray, and Southern attacks on G., 50 ff.; quoted, in the Liberator, 54, 55; a silhouette of, 56; at Faneuil Hall, I II, I 12. Otis, James, 49, 56. Park St. Church, G.'s address at, the beginning of his mission, 43. Parker, Theodore, 220, 259. Pease, Elizabeth, 246. Pennsylvania Hall, Phila., burning of, 119, 133. Pharisees, Christ's rebuke to, 181-84; their offenses mild compared with the atrocities of today, 185, 186. Philanthropist, the, 108. Phillips, Wendell, at Fanueil Hall, 129, 130-32; effect of his speech, 132, 133; quoted, 180, 198; 108, 123, 165, 210, 249. Pierpont, John, 43. Polk, James K., 204. Presbyterians, and Abolition, 208. Pro-Slavery Democrats, Northern, 23. Quincy, Edmund, 210. Rankin, John, 160. Reformer, the, 54. Republican Party, formation of, 142, 143,258. Rhodes, James F., 142. Richmond Whig, quoted, 104, 119. Roman Catholics, and Abolition, 200, 207. Ross, Abner, 187. Rynders, Isaiah, his hi