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Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 9: agitation and repression. (search)
n in this mind. The discussions which he so lightly allowed swept through the institution with the force of a great moral awakening. They were continued during nine evenings and turned the seminary at their close, so far as the students went, into an anti-slavery society. This is not the place to go at length into the history of that anti-slavery debate, which, in its consequences, proved one of the events of the anti-slavery conflict. Its leader was Theodore D. Weld, who was until Wendell Phillips appeared upon the scene, the great orator of the agitation. Dr. Beecher had no notion of raising such a ghost when he said, Go ahead, boys, I'll go in and discuss with you. It was such an apparition of independence and righteousness as neither the power of the trustees nor the authority of the faculty was ever able to dismiss. The virtue of a gag rule was tried to suppress Abolition among the students, but instead of suppressing Abolition, it well-nigh suppressed the seminary; for,
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 12: flotsam and jetsam. (search)
ty, after its meeting had been broken up by the mob. It seemed to him then that it was no longer a mere struggle for the freedom of the slave, but for the right of free speech and free discussion as well. Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, a young man, in 1835, eminent professor and physician subsequently, dates from that afternoon of mob violence his conversion to Abolitionism. In that selfsame hour seeds of resistance to slavery were sown in two minds of the first order in the city and State. Wendell Phillips was a spectator in the streets that day, and the father of Charles Sumner, the sheriff at the time, fought bravely to save Garrison from falling into the hands of the mob. The great riot gave those young men their first summons to enter the service of freedom. It was not long afterward probably that they both began to read the Liberator. From that event many intelligent and conservative people associated slavery with lynch law and outrage upon the rights of free speech and popular asse
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 13: the barometer continues to fall. (search)
operty and of assuming the right of free discussion? And is it unsafe in this metropolis to express abhorrence of the deed? A second application for the hall was granted, and a meeting, which is an historical event in the annals of the old town, was held December 8, 1837-a meeting memorable as an uprising, not of the Abolitionists, but of the conservatism and respectability of the city in behalf of the outraged liberties of white men. Ever memorable,too, for that marvelous speech of Wendell Phillips, which placed him instantly in the front rank of minds with a genius for eloquence, lifted him at once as an anti-slavery instrument and leader close beside William Lloyd Garrison. The wild-cat-like spirit which had hunted Thompson out of the coun-Iry and Lovejoy to death, had more than made good the immense deficit of services thus created through the introduction upon the national stage of the reform of this consummate and incomparable orator. The assassination of Lovejoy was an i
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 15: Random Shots. (search)
n Fami-Ly without distinction of color, sex, or clime. A contest over the admission of women to membership in the World's Convention was therefore a foregone conclusion. The convention, notwithstanding a brilliant fight under the lead of Wendell Phillips in behalf of their admission, refused to admit the women delegates. The women delegates instead of having seats on the floor were forced in consequence of this decision to look on from the galleries. Garrison, who with Charles Lenox Remondhile in attendance upon the sessions of the World's Convention Garrison received tidings, of the birth of his third child. The second, whom he named for himself, was born in 1838. The third, who was also a son, the fond father named after Wendell Phillips. Three children and a wife did not tend to a solution of the always difficult problem of family maintenance. The pressure of their needs upon the husband sometimes, simple as indeed they were owing to the good sense and prudence of Mrs. Ga
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 16: the pioneer makes a new and startling departure. (search)
influence upon public opinion. Notwithstanding its rejection by James Gibbons and Lydia Maria Child the new idea of the dissolution of the Union, as an anti-slavery object, found instant favor with many of the leading Abolitionists, like Wendell Phillips, Edmund Quincy, Parker Pillsbury, Stephen S. Foster and Abby Kelley. At the anniversary meeting of the American Society in 1842, the subject was mooted, and, although there was no official action taken, yet it was apparent that a majority onto the anti-Texas movement with all his customary force and fire. Elected a delegate to the Faneuil Hall Convention by the influence of Francis Jackson, he took a leading part in its proceedings, created the most stir in the whole matter, Wendell Phillips thought. Charles Sumner, who heard him speak for the first time, was struck with his natural eloquence, and described his words as falling in fiery rain. Again at a mass meeting for Middlesex County, held at Concord, to consider the aggres
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 17: as in a looking glass. (search)
were men of the most undoubted candor and honesty and of extraordinary intelligence. Garrison was never able to see the Liberty party, and for that matter Wendell Phillips, Edmund Quincy, and others of the old organization leaders could not either, except through the darkened glass of personal antagonisms growing out of the schism of 1840. It was always, under all circumstances, to borrow a phrase of Phillips, Our old enemy, Liberty party. And, as Quincy naively confesses in an article in the Liberator pointing out the reasons why Abolitionists should give to the Free-soil party incidenfal aid and comfort, which were forbidden to their old enemy, Libng to Richard Webb, narrates how, at the annual meeting of the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1843, Garrison was for removing it to Boston, but that he and Wendell Phillips were for keeping it where it then was in New York, giving at the same time sundry good and sufficient reasons for the faith that was in them, and how, thereu
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 18: the turning of a long lane. (search)
Frederick Douglass, Dr. Furness, and Rev. Samuel R. Ward, whom Wendell Phillips described as so black that when he shut his eyes you could note slave-hounds enter not, and panting fugitives find freedom. Wendell Phillips tells of an old woman of seventy who asked his advice about fl Their white friends shared both with them. We are indebted to Mr. Phillips for the following graphic account of these excitements and perilher the blue of love or the red of war. Great coadjutors, like Wendell Phillips, Theodore Parker, and Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, were for forciblel into them and were returned to bondage. From this time on Wendell Phillips became in Boston and in the North more distinctly the leader ocal anti-slavery of the times were the fruit of his endeavor. Wendell Phillips has pointed out how the Liberty party was benefited by the meesed among the large indirect results produced by Garrison. But as Phillips justly remarked, Uncle Tom would never have been written had not
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 19: face to face. (search)
ess of it, was fast mounting to the war point in the thermometer of the passions, thanks to the perfidy and ruffianism of the slave-power in Congress and Kansas. This trend and strong undertow of the nation toward a civil outbreak and commotion, though unnoted by the multitude, was yet, nevertheless, seen and felt by many thoughtful and far-seeing minds; and by no one more clearly than by T. W. Higginson, who at the twentieth anniversary of the Boston mob, discoursed thus on this head: Mr. Phillips told us that on this day, twenty years ago, the military could not protect the meeting, because the guns were outside in the mob-or the men who should have carried them! There has been a time since when the men were on the outside and the guns too; and as surely as this earth turns on its axis, that time will come again! And it is for you, men, who hear me, to think what you will do when that time comes; and it is for you, women, who hear me, to think what you will do, and what you are
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 20: the death-grapple. (search)
d to visit upon the President for particular acts, such as the revocation of anti-slavery orders by sundry of his generals in the field, and upon particular members of his Cabinet who were understood to be responsible for the shuffling, hesitating action of the Government in its relation to slavery, an effective fire of criticism and rebuke. Nevertheless Mr. Garrison maintained toward the Government a uniform tone of sympathy and moderation. I hold, said he, in reply to strictures of Mr. Phillips upon the President at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Society in 1862; I hold that it is not wise for us to be too microscopic in endeavoring to find disagreeable and annoying things, still less to assume that everything is waxing worse and worse, and that there is little or no hope. He himself was full of hope which no shortcomings of the Government was able to quench. He was besides beginning to understand the perplexities which beset the administration, to appreciate the prob
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist, Chapter 21: the last. (search)
etween the leader and his great coadjutor Wendell Phillips over a resolution introduced by the latten proved too strong for his resistance, and Mr. Phillips's resolution was finally adopted as the senn, the other against renomination, and led by Phillips. These differences presently developed into, said on both sides. Garrison was wiser than Phillips in his unwillingness to have the country, in hirteenth amendment abolishing slavery, while Phillips held on the other that the societies should cth the right to vote. And here it seems that Phillips was wiser than Garrison in his purpose not totion. Warm words fell from both Garrison and Phillips and their respective supporters, which tried ors for the negro. Far from it. For he, like Phillips, stood for his absolute equality before the lnother dropped by the way. And it was he or Mr. Phillips, or both, who spoke the last loving words o879. While that ear could listen, said Wendell Phillips over the illustrious champion of liberty [1 more...]