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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 19, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Wendell Phillips or search for Wendell Phillips in all documents.
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Latest from Jackson death of Gen Tilghman Brandon, May 17.
--Two gentlemen rode to Jackson to day and traversed the city.
The enemy had evacuated about 2 o'clock. It is supposed that they number about forty thousand, and have retreated towards Vicksburg.
Firing has been heard in that direction, and it is supposed that Gen. Pemberton is in their rear
Before leaving they burned the Confederate House, the depots, the penitentiary, Green & Phillips's factory, Steven's foundry, Lenoire's hat factory, and a block of buildings on State street, including the Medical Purveyor's and other Government offices.
Also, both bridges over Pearl river, and destroyed several miles of the railroad track.
It is reported in Mobile that some of this burning was done before we retired.
The Confederate House was burned by the proprietor.
Mobile, May 18.--The Advertiser and Register's special report, under date Jackson, 18th, says there was a heavy and indecisive battle near Edwards
The Daily Dispatch: May 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], Newbern Items. (search)
Newbern Items.
--The New York World publishes a letter from Newbern, N. C., dated May 6th, from which we extract the following:
A sensation was created here by the marriage this morning of Charles W. Lawrence, of Boston, a member of the 44th Massachusetts, to the accomplished daughter of Israel Disosway, a banker in Newbern.
After making a transfer of his property to the bride-groom, the father left our lines with other disloyal citizens.
Nearly 12,000 men belonging to the two years and nine months regiments in this department, will soon be mustered out of the service.
It is hoped that the patriotism of the North will perceive the propriety of raising a fund to promote enlistments in loyal North Carolina regiments.
The U. S. transport Long Island, Captain Phillips, accidentally took fire on the evening of the 30th ult., and was entirely destroyed.