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Parthenia Antoinette Hague, A blockaded family: Life in southern Alabama during the war, Chapter 6: (search)
ter mammy; he's got an axe in his hand and says he's gwine ter kill her dis berry night. Where Phillis was hiding the little girls knew not. She was not in the kitchen, nor in her cabin; neither hadse to her master and mistress. Her's dodgina 'round to keep out'en daddy's way, the younger of Phillis's girls declared. We all became deeply interested in Aunt Phillis's troubles, and dropped our d girls of the household came also into our room to hear Martha and Maria tell of Ben's chasing Phillis around with the axe, and soon we had ten all told around the fire, all gathered close together.le Ben was at his wife's heels, and that one of us might catch the hurl of the axe intended for Phillis. We braced our shoulders against the door with all our strength, but Uncle Ben was prudent enoe imprint of that accident. Mr. G-- also hastened to our room, and, finding that Ben was after Phillis with an axe, got his gun, and from the rear hall door peered forth into the bleak night for Ben