Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Picayune or search for Picayune in all documents.

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nto the Union again doesn't seem to work smoothly. The latest advices from New Orleans are to the 3d inst. The Convention which Banks had called had split. The Picayune says: The nominating Convention, which met at Lyceum Hall last night, had a stormy time of it, and did not get fairly through with the business on hand tils, $552,364.50; Circulation, none; Notes in hands of U. S. Treasurer, not yet received, $90,000; United States Bonds deposited with Treasurer, $100,000. The Picayune notes the arrival of one steamer from the mouth of the Ohio, and two more were hourly expected. It describes the leave as presenting a rather dull and inanimatehat Mouton's division had been at Gaines's landing for the purpose of crossing arms and ammunition from this side, which they successfully accomplished. The Picayune copies a letter written off Wilmington, by which it appears that the gunboat blown up near Georgetown was the Iron Age. She got ashore in chasing a blockade run