Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for J. G. Pickett or search for J. G. Pickett in all documents.

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January 24. A large meeting was held at the St. Charles' Hotel, in New Orleans, La., for the purpose of expressing regret at the death of General Zollicoffer. Colonel Andrew Erwin was called to the chair, and Mr. H. L. Goodrich requested to act as Secretary. On motion, the Chairman appointed the following Committee, to draft resolutions: Colonel J. G. Pickett, Major-General Lovell, Brigadier-General Ruggles, Commodore Hollins, W. A. Johnson, A. L. Davis, W. J. Barry, Alexander Fall, D. M. Hildreth, M. Hilcher, and J. C. Goodrich; which reported the following resolutions: Resolved, That we have received the intelligence of the death of General Felix K. Zollicoffer, with feelings of the profoundest sorrow, and lament his untimely end as an irreparable loss to the cause for which he heroically gave his life. In private life, or in discharging public duties, we always found him an incorruptible patriot. Cool and collected amidst troubles, he was unfaltering in the execution
General orders, no. 90.Headquarters Department number 1, Confederate States of America, New-Orleans, La., March 20, 1862. . . . . XII. All process from any court of law or equity in the parishes of Orleans and Jefferson, for the ejection of the families of soldiers now in the service of the government, either on land or water, for rent past due, is hereby suspended, and no such collections shall be forced until fur ther orders. . . . . . By command of Major-General Lovell. J. G. Pickett, Assistant Adjutant-General. The above extract from orders of the rebel General Lovell is accepted and ordered as referring to the families of soldiers and sailors now in the service of the United States. By command of Major-General Butler. George C. Strong, A. A. G. General Reynolds took possession of War renton, Virginia, this afternoon, the rebels offering no opposition; five prisoners belonging to the Third Virginia cavalry, and two infantry soldiers were captured.--Ge
, but were repulsed and driven off, after several desperate charges, leaving three dead and twelve wounded. The National casualties were two wounded, one severely.--the official correspondence between the agents of exchange of prisoners of war, together with the report of Mr. Ould was made public.--the body of a Union soldier was found hanging at Smith Mills, Va., with the following words placarded upon it: Here hangs private Samuel Jones, of the Fifth Ohio regiment, hung by order of Major-General Pickett, in retaliation for private David Bright, of the Sixty-second Georgia regiment, hung December eighteenth, by order of Brigadier-General Wild. The Richmond Examiner held the following language: Surely British-protection patriots of the Emerald Isle here, have, we are credibly informed, recently shouldered their shillalahs, and cut stick for the land of Lincoln. Sundry others, too, born this side of the Potomac, have wended their way in the same direction,--all leaving their fami
February 1. President Lincoln issued an order for a draft of five hundred thousand men, to serve three years or during the war.--(Doc. 72.) A fight took place late this afternoon in the New Creek Valley, Va., between an advancing column of the enemy's troops and one column of Nationals. After a sharp engagement the rebels were repulsed and driven back over two miles.--A fight took place at Bachelor's Creek, N. C., between a large force of rebels under the command of Generals Pickett and Hoke, and the Union forces under General J. W. Palmer, resulting in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss in men and material.--(Doc. 69.) The blockade-running steamer Wild Dayrell was chased ashore and burned, near Stump Inlet, N. C., by the National gunboat Sassacus, under the command of Lieutenant Commander F. A. Roe.--Admiral Lee's Report.
April 17. Fort Gray, near Plymouth, North-Carolina, garrisoned by National troops under the command of Captain Brown, of the Eighty-fifth New York regiment, was attacked by a force of rebels belonging to the command of General Pickett, who was repulsed after having made several attempts to carry the position by assault.--an unsuccessful attempt to capture the steamer Luminary was made by the rebels at a point thirty-five miles below Memphis, on the Mississippi River.--the English schooner Lily was captured by the gunboat Owasco, off Velasco, Texas. A riot occurred in Savannah, Georgia, this day. Women collected in a body, with arms, and marched the streets in a procession, demanding bread or blood. They seized food wherever it could be found. The soldiers were called out, and, after a brief conflict, the most active and prominent leaders were put in jail.