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Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 9: taking command of a Southern City. (search)
w-citizens, is the time to strike. One sparkling, living touch of fire, in manly action for one hour upon each cotton plantation, and the eternal seal of Southern independence is fired and fixed in the great heart of the world. Your major-general calls in this hour of danger for one heroic effort, and he feels consciously proud that he will not call in vain. Let not a solitary bale of cotton be left as spoil for the invader, and all will be well. By order of Major-General Lovell. J. G. Pickett, Assistant Adjutant-General. The burning of property substantially ceased, and I purposely refrained from seizure or interference with it until the country got quieted down, and only returned to the policy of seizure afterwards because of the confiscation acts of our Congress. One thing I may say here as well as elsewhere, that from the hour I left Washington in February, 1862, to the hour of the despatch given below, I never received any direction or intimation from Washington or
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 14: in command of the Army of the James. (search)
quantity of provisions and forage stored there, and captured some smuggling vessels. Major-General Pickett, of the Confederate forces, made an attack upon New Berne and our lines at Beaufort, N. e of an outpost, fifty-three of the Second North Carolina (loyal) Regiment were captured by General Pickett. By his order they were tried by court martial and twenty-two of them were hanged. Their d enlisted in the Union army. Upon remonstrance by General Peck, commanding in North Carolina, Pickett replied, that being deserters they were executed by his orders, and if retaliation was attempte the Confederates were deserters from our army, in which case hanging them would be proper. As Pickett himself deserted our army to take up arms in the Rebellion, the exception was quite suggestive e force of the government as exhibited in this transaction, one sufficient answer? Why was not Pickett hanged for these twenty-two deliberate murders when he was captured by us? It is needless to
railroad. Benj. F. Butler, Major-General Commanding. [no. 32. see page 643.] [telegram.--Cipher.] headquarters Bermuda landing, May 7, 1864. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: We have made demonstrations to-day on the railroad between Petersburg and Richmond, and have succeeded in destroying a portion of it, so as to break the connection. We have had pretty severe fighting to do, but have succeeded. We hear, from a rebel deserter, and a citizen, that Lee is dangerously wounded; Pickett also; Jones and Jenkins killed. We have no news from General Grant. If he has been in any degree successful there, can we not have here ten thousand of the reserves? They can be here in three days after the lieutenant-general gives the order. Transportation is at Annapolis for them. If the Army of the Potomac is unsuccessful, then we want them here for the safety of the country. Please send them forward. Beauregard is in command in person. In three days our line will be perfect. We
of, at Ship Island, 355-356; his ships towed up the Mississippi, 370; collision with, on the negro question, 488-489; at New Orleans, 896; differs with Butler on the slavery question, 896-897. Phillips, Wendell, on contraband theory, 259. Pickett, Major-General, attack upon New Berne and Beaufort, N. C., 618. Pierpont, Governor, protests against draft, 618. Pierce, General, at Big Bethel, 172, 268, 270, 275, 292. Pierce, President, appoints Butler visitor at West Point, 127; makreferences to by McClellan, 571, 575; reference to 756, 863, 865. Second Corps, reference to, 652, 686, 692, 706, 707; attack enemy's lines at Deep Bottom, 717-718; reference to, 858. Second North Carolina Regiment, outpost captured by General Pickett, 618. Second Regiment of Native Guards, 496. Sedgwick, General, ordered to co-operate with Butler, 621; in Grant's report, 647. Serrell, Col. Edward W., believes Butler could succeed Stanton, 770; ordered to bring Hudson to Butler,