Browsing named entities in James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States.. You can also browse the collection for Pierce or search for Pierce in all documents.

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en, was neither repulsive in character nor in any feature unconstitutional — a devout worshipper at the shrine of Squatter Sovereignty and of its high priests Messrs. Pierce and Douglas--was promptly disgraced and dismissed from office, as soon as it was found that he would not become a servile and passive instrument of iniquity iaced by the Democracy, was an indication, on the part of the people of Kansas, of the existence of extraordinary powers of imagination. Elmore was dismissed by Pierce, it is true, but has been reinstated by Buchanan. He has been, and still is, I believe, the largest slaveholder in the territory. Although conservative both by , devolved on Judge Elmore. He said he could not make up his mind about it. Mr. Kagi remarked, after recording the decision in the Topeka Tribune, that, although Pierce had dismissed Mr. Elmore for land speculations, he evidently might have assumed the stronger ground of incompetency; for surely a man who could not decide, after