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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.50 (search)
ld be so informatory as to early appointments, only those of the early months of 1861 are preserved in our State Library—a lamentable loss. Further, of the Executive Journal, which might assist in the want of the proceedings referred to, there is preserved in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth only the record to the month of December, 1860, inclusive, and then—a hiatus—taken away by the Federal authorities in April, 1865, to the incumbency of Governor Francis H. Peirpont (or Pierpoint, as he then subscribed himself), commencing in 1864. The list of the dates of the commissions of the officers of the First Regiment Virginia Volunteers will be held of interest by our community. Nearly all of them received deserved promotion for gallantry in the field. Editor. Memorandum roster First regiment, Virginia Volunteers. P. T. Moore, colonel, commissioned May 2, 1861. Wm. Munford, major, commissioned May 3, 1861. Samuel P. Mitchell, adjutant, commissioned July 27<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), War officers of the First regiment Virginia volunteer infantry, (search)
haps others. The private secretary of Governor Letcher, Colonel S. Bassett French, acted as Secretary of the Board. Of the proceedings of this Board of War, so able in its constitutional personnel, and which would be so informatory as to early appointments, only those of the early months of 1861 are preserved in our State Library—a lamentable loss. Further, of the Executive Journal, which might assist in the want of the proceedings referred to, there is preserved in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth only the record to the month of December, 1860, inclusive, and then—a hiatus—taken away by the Federal authorities in April, 1865, to the incumbency of Governor Francis H. Peirpont (or Pierpoint, as he then subscribed himself), commencing in 1864. The list of the dates of the commissions of the officers of the First Regiment Virginia Volunteers will be held of interest by our community. Nearly all of them received deserved promotion for gallantry in the field. E