Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pierpoint or search for Pierpoint in all documents.

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ood Things — Wines, Whiskey, Coffee, Cigars and Cheers Distributed Among the Crowd — The Monitor in Broadway — Splendid Turnout of the Firemen — The Meeting — Speeches of Generals Dix, Averill, Cochrane and Walbridge; Messrs. John Van Buren, Judge Pierpoint, D. D. Field, S. B. Chittenden, A. Oakey Hall, Dr. Lieber and Others — Magnificent Pyrotechnic Exhibition — The Bombardment of Sumter Over Again — Naval Engagement Between the Merrimac and Monitor — Union Square in a Blaze of Light and Glory in the account General Dix congratulated the people that the war would be soon over, and the Union, with "all its ancient boundaries, restored" without slavery. He then drew up a long list of grievances against England. Judge (Governor?) Pierpoint followed. He thought it idle to talk of peace to the South. It would never re-enter the Union except it were conquered, and that must be done. Mr. John Van Buren expressed the hope that when the rebellion was suppressed an opp