Browsing named entities in Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott). You can also browse the collection for J. Pillow or search for J. Pillow in all documents.

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Huntsville, March 5, 1862. Hon. J. P. Benjamin: Just arrived and received dispatch. My report was delayed to obtain official reports of Generals Floyd and Pillow. All were sent on by Colonel Liddell on 28th February, informing you of the condition of my command and my plans. The forces are en route and in good order. Thh 7. 1862. President Davis: Your dispatch is just received. Colonel Liddell [went] to Richmond on 28th ultimo, with the official reports of Generals Floyd and Pillow of the events at Donelson, and suppose that he must have arrived by this time. I also sent by him a dispatch containing my purpose for defense of the valley of trmation of the enemy. 3. Brig. Gen. Bushrod R. Johnson will proceed to Jackson, Tenn., and report to General Beauregard. * * * * * * * 5. Brig. Gen. Gid. J. Pillow will immediately take command of the Third Division of this army. By command of General Johnston: W. W. Mackall, Assistant Adjutant-General. Decatur, March