Browsing named entities in Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for J. Pillow or search for J. Pillow in all documents.

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H. Kemp. Company G, Capt. John L. Logan, First Lieutenant Thomas, Second Lieut. Frank Scott. Company II, Captain Matthews, First Lieutenant Black. Company I, Capt. W. F. Morton. Company K, Capt. Anderson Cunningham, First Lieutenant Toomer. The regiment was ordered to Fort Pillow, November, 1861, and was brigaded with the Twelfth, commanded by Col. E. W. Gantt; was stationed at Island No.10 on the Mississippi river, and transferred back and forth to New Madrid at the will of Gen. Gid. J. Pillow, who had very impracticable ideas of the war we had entered upon. Island No.10 was surrendered April 15, 1862, after a terrific bombardment by the enemy's mortar-boats and gunboats, aided by an overflow which nearly submerged the island. The Confederate defenses consisted of dissolving earthworks and twenty guns. Maj. W. J. Hoadley, of Little Rock, having served his guns with great bravery, spiked them and made his escape with one section of the battalion. The others were included in t