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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, (search)
ntagu. In February, 1737, he was selected one of the sixteen representative peers of Scotland, and appointed lord of the bedchamber of the Prince of Wales in 1738. The beautiful Princess of Wales gave him her confidence on the death of her husband in 1751, and made him preceptor of her son, afterwards King George III. Over that youth he gained great influence. When he ascended the throne, in 1760, George promoted Bute to a privy councillor, and, afterwards, a secretary of state; and, when Pitt and the Duke of Newcastle retired from the cabinet, Bute was made prime minister. He soon became unpopular, chiefly because the King had discarded the great Pitt, and preferred this Scotch adventurer, whose bad advice was misleading his sovereign. Insinuations were rife about the too intimate personal relations of Bute and the young King's mother, who, it was believed, ruled both the King and his minister; and a placard appeared in front of the Royal Exchange, in large letters, No petticoat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Choiseul, ÉTienne Francois, Duc De -1785 (search)
Choiseul, ÉTienne Francois, Duc De -1785 French statesman; born June 28, 1719; became a lieutenant-general in the army in 1759; and was at the head of the French ministry when, in 1761, cabinet changes in England threatened to diminish the power of that government. He was minister of foreign affairs, and in January, 1761, became minister of war, and annexed those departments to the marine. Like Pitt, he was a statesman of consummate ability. He was of high rank and very wealthy, and was virtually sole minister of France. When the British had despoiled France of her American possessions Choiseul eagerly watched for an opportunity to inflict a retaliatory blow; and he was delighted when he perceived that a rising quarrel between Great Britain and her American colonies foreshadowed a dismemberment of the British Empire. Choiseul determined to foster the quarrel as far as possible. He sent the Baron de Kalb to America in the disguise of a traveller, but really as a French emi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Declaratory act, the. (search)
ediate repeal, at the same time recommending an act, to accompany the repeal, declaring, in the most unqualified terms, the sovereign authority of Great Britain over her colonies. This was intended as a salve for the national honor, necessary, as Pitt knew, to secure the repeal of the act. But Lord Camden, who was the principal supporter of the repeal bill in the Upper House, was opposed to the declaratory act, and vehemently declared that taxation and representation are inseparable. The declof royal prerogative, which the colonists rejected. But it was overlooked. Pitt had the honor of the repeal. The London merchants lauded him as a benefactor, and there was a burst of gratitude towards him in America. New York voted a statue to Pitt and the King; Virginia voted a statue to the monarch; Maryland passed a similar vote, and ordered a portrait of Lord Camden; and the authorities of Boston ordered fulllength portraits of Barre and Conway, friends of the Americans, for Faneuil Hall
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Forbes, John 1710-1759 (search)
Forbes, John 1710-1759 Military officer; born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1710; was a physician, but, preferring military life, entered the British army, and was lieutenantcolonel of the Scots Greys in 1745. He was acting quartermaster-general under the Duke of Cumberland; and late in 1757 he came to America, with the rank of brigadier-general. He commanded troops, 8,000 in number, against Fort Duquesne, and he named the place Pittsburg, in honor of William Pitt. He died in Philadelphia, March 11, 1759.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), French and Indian War. (search)
sed to confine the campaign of 1757 to the capture of Louisburg, on Cape Breton. Going there with a large land and naval armament, he was told that the French were too strong for him. He believed it, withdrew, and returned to New York. Meanwhile, Montcalm had strengthened Fort Ticonderogn, on Lake Champlain, and captured and destroyed the English fort, William Henry, at the head of Lake George (August, 1757); and so ended the campaign and the leadership of the inefficient Lord Loudoun. William Pitt at this time took the chief control of public affairs in England, and prepared to prosecute the war in America with vigor. Gen. James Abercrombie was placed in chief command in America in 1758, and Admiral Boscawen was sent with a fleet to co-operate. Louisburg, Fort Ticonderoga, and Fort Duquesne were to be attacked. Louisburg was captured, but Abercrombie, who led the troops towards Lake Chainplain, failed in his attack on Ticonderoga. Fort Frontenac, at the foot of Lake Ontario, w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Garfield, James Abram 1831-1881 (search)
Britain, though not for itself. There were those who foresaw that the acquisition of Canada was the prelude of American independence. Late in December Rogers returned to the Maumee; and, setting out from the point where Sandusky City now stands, crossed the Huron River to the northern branch of White Woman's River, and, passing thence by the English village of Beaverstown, and up the Ohio, reached Fort Pitt on Jan. 23, 1761, just a month after he left Detroit. Under the leadership of Pitt, England was finally triumphant in this great struggle; and by the treaty of Paris, of Feb. 10, 1763, she acquired Canada and all the territory east of the Mississippi River, and southward to the Spanish territory, excepting New Orleans and the island on which it is situated. During the twelve years which followed the treaty of Paris, the English colonists were pushing their settlements into the newly acquired territory; but they encountered the opposition of the Six Nations and their alli
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), George (Augustus) 1683- (search)
ge I.), and he and the clever Queen ruled the realm for fourteen years. He, in turn, hated his son Frederick, Prince of Wales, as bitterly as he had been hated by his father. It was during the later years of the reign of George II. that the War of the Austrian Succession and the French and Indian War (in which the English-American colonies were conspicuously engaged) occurred. During that reign England had grown amazingly in material and moral strength among the nations. The wisdom of William Pitt had done much towards the acquirement of the fame of England, which had never been greater than in 1760. George died suddenly, like his father, in Kensington Palace, Oct. 25, 1760. He had never been popular with the English people. There had been peace between France and England for about thirty years after the death of Queen Anne, during which time the colonists in America had enjoyed comparative repose. Then the selfish strifes of European monarchs kindled war again. In March, 17
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), George (William Frederick) 1737-1820 (search)
is throne fifty-seven years, and bore him fifteen children, all but two of whom grew to maturity. Unfortunately for his kingdom, he neglected the wise counsels of Pitt, and made his preceptor, the Scotch Earl of Bute, his prime minister and confidential friend. The minister and his master became very unpopular, and in 1763 Bute Lord Bute prevailed upon the young King to discard Pitt and favor their own schemes. Newcastle prepared the first speech from the throne of George III.; and when Pitt, as prime minister, went to him and presented the draft of an address to be pronounced at the meeting of the Privy Council, he was politely informed that the speecowerful opposition party at the beginning of his reign. The people of New York City, grateful for the repeal of the Stamp Act, voted a statue to the King and to Pitt. That of the former was equestrian, made of lead, and gilded. It was placed in the centre of the Bowling Green, near Fort George, at the foot of Broadway. Raise
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Guilford, battle of. (search)
advantage he had gained. After issuing a proclamation boasting of his victory, calling upon the Tories to rally to his standard, and offering pardon to the rebels who should submit, he moved with his whole army towards Wilmington, near the seaboard. The news of the battle produced a profound sensation in England. Another such victory, said Charles J. Fox, in the House of Commons, will ruin the British army; and he moved, June 12, 1781, to recommend the ministers to conclude a peace with the Americans at once. William Pitt (son of the great Chatham) spoke of the war against the Americans with great severity. Recent type of gunboat (U. S. S. Bennington.) topographical engineers, July 7, 1838; engaged with Capt. Howard Stansbury in drawing maps of the Great Salt Lake region in 1849-51. He was author of A history of the Mormons of Utah: their domestic polity and theology. He was murdered, with seven others, by a band of Mormons and Indians near Sevier Lake, Ut., Oct. 26, 1853.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Habeas corpus, (search)
) is next in importance to magna charta. Parliament may suspend the habeas corpus act for a specified time in great emergency. Then the nation parts with a portion of liberty to secure its permanent welfare, and suspected persons may then be arrested without cause assigned.-Blackstone. Act suspended for a short time.1689, 1696, 1708 Suspended for Scots' Rebellion1715-16 Suspended for twelve months1722 Suspended for Scots' Rebellion1744-45 Suspended for American War1777-79 Again by Mr. Pitt, owing to French Revolution1794 Suspended in Ireland in the great rebellion1798 Suspended in EnglandAug. 28, 1799, and April 14, 1801 Again, on account of Irish insurrection1803 Again, on alleged secret meetingsFeb. 21, 1817 Bill to restore habeas corpus introduced Jan. 28, 1818 Suspended in Ireland (insurrection)July 24, 1848 Restored thereMarch 1, 1849 Suspended again Feb. 17, 1866; Feb. 26, and May 31, 1867; and Feb. 28, 1868, till Because of the affair of John Anderson, an a