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The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], Citizens' State-rights ticket.-- Peachy R. Grattan, P. H. Aylett, Geo. W. Randolph. (search)
A card. --Messrs. Editors: In this morning's Dispatch we perceive our names affixed to a card calling on Messrs. Macfarland, Johnson, and Botts, to announce themselves as candidates for the State Convention.--When we signed this card we had no idea that we were calling on the Hon. John Minor Botts for his nomination. We have not the least objection to Messrs. Johnson and Macfarland, but we do not wish our names attached to any list calling on Mr. Botts to represent our feelings in this great cause of our State. Andrew Pizzini, F. McCARTHY, Juan Pizzini. Richmond, January 25, 1861. ja 23--1t
The Daily Dispatch: January 14, 1862., [Electronic resource], Contributions for the Alexandria Volunteers. (search)
rke & Cardozo, 5.00; J. E. Burluss, 1.00; E. B. Cook, 5.00; Van-Lew, Taylor & Co., 5.00; T. R. Price, 5.00; Mr. Richardson, 2.00; Tardy & Williams, 3.00; David Currie, 1.00; S. S. Cottrell, 5.00; Wm. Ira Smith, 10.00; Mr. Darracott, 2.00; Miles, Jennings & Co.,10.00; N. C. Barton, 5.00; Wm. A. Walters, 5.00; A. Schall, 3.00; M. Latouche, of Alexandria, 10,00; Andrew Antoni,2.00; Marcus Harris & Bro., 5.00; W. G. Payne, 20.00; W. Peterson & Co., 5.00; J. H. Montague, 2.00; C. Gennet, 5.00; Juan Pizzini, 1.00. Total, $127. Baldwin & Williams, one dozen pairs socks; Army Committee Y. M. C. A., two dozen pairs socks and one case domestic wines. Norfolk $182.00. G. W. Binford, $5.00, George Williamson, 1.00; J. G. Womble, 1.00; S. R. Borum, 5.00; Warren & Billups, 5.00; Dr. Granier, 5.00; Rev James Murray, 5.00; Foster & Moore, 5.00; Cincinnatus Morris, 2.00; Wm. T. Harrison, 1.00; Jno. A. James, 1.00; C. W. Grandy, 5.00; F. W. Seabury & Sons, 5.00, Lewis Dey, 2.00; J. A. Gordon,
lin street, and robbing him of $83 in money and a watch. One of Losey's comrades had before been convicted and sent to the Penitentiary on the same charge. The jury, after hearing the evidence, brought in a verdict of guilty, and ascertained the term of defendant's confinement in the Penitentiary at three years. In consideration of the fact of the youth of the convict, the jury signed a petition asking the Governor to pardon him. Benjamia W. Carter was tried for forging the came of Juan Pizzini to a check for $286, which he tried to get cashed at the Exchange Bank of Virginia. On his arrest he said that Thomas Samanni had given him the check. The latter was arrested, and underwent an examination which resulted in his acquittal. The jury returned a verdict of guilty against Carter and adjudged his term in the Penitentiary at two years. Joseph H. Condmen was next arraigned for stealing two blankets, the property of Charles W. Spicer, proprietor of the Columbian Tavern. Th
Pardoned. --The Governor, on Saturday, extended Executive clemency to Benjamin W. Carter, the youth who was convicted at the present term of the Hustings Court and sentenced to the State Prison for two years for the forging of Juan Pizzini's name to a check for $180, payable at the Exchange Bank of Virginia. The pardon was applied for on the ground of the prisoner's youth and inexperience, and the fact that in the transaction it was more than probable he was a dupe of more designing persons.
Stealing sugar. --Douglas, a slave, charged with stealing from Juan Pizzini, his master, a large quantity of sugar, was arraigned before the Mayor, and after an examination, was ordered a whipping.
Three hundred dollars reward --Ran away, on the 8th inst, my cook woman, Maria, medium height, tolerably light gingerbread color, and is about 30 years old. She was bought from Mr. Tatum, who lives about three miles below the city, on the old turnpike read. Probably she may be in that neighborhood. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. Juan Pizzini. ap 13--6t
Three hundred dollars reward --Ran away, on the 8th inst, my cook woman, Maria, medium height, tolerably fleshy, light gingerbread color, and is about 30 years old. She was bought from Mr. Tatum, who lives about three miles below the city, on the old turnpike road. Probably she may be in that neighborhood. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. Juan Pizzini ap 13--6t
Three hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away, on the 8th inst, my cook woman, Marin medium height, tolerably fleshy, light ginger bread color, and is about 20 years old. She was bought from Mr Talera, who lives about three miles below the city, on the old turnpike road. Probably she may be in that neighborhood. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. Juan Pizzini. ap 13--6t
Three hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away on the 5th inst, my cook woman, Maria, medium height, tolerably fleshy, light gingerbread color, and is about 30 years old. She was bought from Mr. was lives about three miles below the city on the old turnpike road. Probably she may be in that neighborhood. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. Juan Pizzini. ap 13--6t
Three hundred dollars reward. --Ran away, on the 8th inst, my cook woman, Maria, medium heart, tolerably freshly, light gingerbread color, and is about 30 years old. She was bought from Mr. Tatum, who lives about three miles below the city, on the old turnpike. road. Probably she may be in that neighborhood. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me. Juan Pizzini. ap 13--3t