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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
s then held by the Confederate forces under General Polk. The battle of Belmont had just been foughrates had at Columbus, the Manassas, McRae (8), Polk (5), Jackson (2), and Calhoun (2). A small forts the first boat under way, and followed by the Polk and Pontchartrain, thundered away at the Yanks., of the gun-boats Pontchartrain, Maurapas and Polk, begged Commodore Hollins to allow them to attaw, I found Commander Pinkney with the gun-boats Polk and Livingston. He gave me command of two heavuff four miles below Randolph. The guns of the Polk and Livingston had been placed in batteries on they did efficient service. The Livingston and Polk succeeded in getting up the Yazoo river to Liver attention was soon attracted to the gun-boats Polk and Livingston, moored just below the obstructi fire, and she too was added to the loss of the Polk and Livingston. The following day I was sent more than he did with the Arkansas alone. The Polk and the Livingston had been well protected with[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address before the Mecklenburg (N. C.) Historical Society. (search)
orthern Presidents. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Jackson, served each eight years, forty years in all, just one-half the life of the nation. Tyler, Polk, Lincoln and Johnson, served each four years, and Taylor one. Of the twenty-three years under Northern Presidents, John and John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Pierce a Democrat. On the other hand, five Southern Presidents were re-elected, and all of them were succeeded by Presidents of the same political faith, except perhaps Mr. Polk, who was succeeded by General Taylor, running upon a no party platform. The country endorsed Polk's administration and did not repudiate him, as he declined a rPolk's administration and did not repudiate him, as he declined a renomination. Another curious fact is this, that every Northern President had associated with him a Southern man as Vice-President. Thus John Adams had Thomas Jefferson; John Quincy Adams had J. C. Calhoun; Martin Van Buren had R. M. Johnson; Pierce had Wm. R. King; Buchanan had J. C. Breckinridge. On the other hand, Jackson ser
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
any Federal commander than General Thomas' defence of Nashville. We note with pleasure the dignified rebuke with which Mr. Van Horne censures the devastation of South Carolina by General Sherman. There is a wide difference between the sympathies of Chaplain Van Horne and our own regarding the war and its leading actors, and it will be excused in us to feel that he is sometimes too pronounced in his admiration of his heroes, and that occasionally, as in the cases of Mr. Davis and of General Polk, he shows too strongly his partisan feelings. But he has brought to the work he has so well accomplished an earnest purpose to write history from the most authentic documents attainable. He is generally fair in his statements of forces, though he does much overstate ours in the Battle of Chickamauga. He has adopted the plan throughout the work of having an appendix to every chapter, made up of official letters, orders and dispatches in support of the narrative contained in the ch
marked by scores of trappers and hunters in our ranks. We know that all the weight of the North and North-West will be thrown against us, but if their troops are to succeed they must be made of better metal than that we lately encountered at Carthage. The day after the battle, General McCulloch, of Texas, and General Pearce, of Arkansas, arrived to our aid with about two thousand men. It appeared that our forces and theirs were advancing to the same place, to prevent either little band being overpowered by a sudden dash of the enemy, who is said to have already an army of forty thousand men in the State. These are not Missourians, but a mixed crowd of Germans and others who have volunteered from every State, under German leaders. There are not five hundred Missourians arrayed against us, and St. Louis to-morrow, together with all the river cities, would carry any election in favor of the Southern cause, if uncontrolled by Federal bayonets. More of this soon. Yours, Polk.
ry or infantry, and had seen but little service, except on the frontier among the Indians; Bragg was a retired captain of artillery; T. J. Jackson was professor of mathematics and of tactics in the University of Virginia; D. H. Hill was a lawyer; Polk, an Episcopal bishop in Louisiana, etc. This was all the talent we had, and much of it was only said to be promising. General Lee was at Richmond, acting as Secretary of War; General Cooper was there also as adjutant-general; Bragg and Polk were Polk were in Tennessee, and Johnston in the Valley; Beauregard was alone at Manassas, having Evans, Ewell, Longstreet, and a few less known names, as subordinates in the approaching struggle. Of Beauregard I knew little, but had heard much. He was continually moving about from place to place, his appearance and escort being so unostentatious that many met and passed without knowing him. It was his custom to walk in the garden of the cottage where his headquarters were established after meals, smoking
nstantly returned. Mulligan's sword was politely returned to him by Price with a neat speech, and all the prisoners being paroled, were immediately sent North on their way rejoicing. Such jubilation was visible in every camp as I will not attempt to describe, although, from your description of Manassas, I suppose one scene is very much like another in this respect. My left arm was wounded in the assault on the bluff, and has caused me much suffering; but to keep my promise I have partly written and partly dictated this scrawl, so that you may form some idea of our doings. The mails between us are few and far between, but I look for a letter from you every days Love to all your boys and any old friends, for I suppose you meet old schoolmates every day in various regiments. I do not know how long Price will remain here, but, judging from reports and Fremont's uneasiness in St. Louis, suspect Price will be again moving, heaven only knows where, in a few days. Yours always, Polk.
rrowly escape a defeat reenforcements from General Polk and Columbus arrival of Polk on the field Polk on the field the Federal troops defeated and spoils taken characters of General Pillow and General Polk compareGeneral Polk compared misrepresentations of the Northern press. I had only just returned to my regiment at Leesburghetter from a Kentucky friend, serving under General Polk, at Columbus, descriptive of the engagemente could conjecture the meaning of all this, General Polk rode up, and informed us, very briefly, thathe enemy's pieces were silenced. Finding that Polk himself was crossing, and landing troops far upto a terrific cross-fire from our troops, while Polk in person was pushing their rear vigorously, ca General Pillow has to thank his stars that Polk so quickly came to his succor, or, instead of bis eternally carping at the bishop, as he terms Polk, who nevertheless, is a capable and laborious cll talented men in behalf of the common cause. Polk was a good bishop; he is now an excellent and a
oftentimes successful, talent. thinks that one thousand will cover all. I expect that Halleck the Veracious will issue a grand account of this Federal victory for the amusement of the North. This is a terribly wild, barren country for a campaign. The boys seem to enjoy good health, however; but it would be of much greater advantage to the cause did proper disciplinarians come among us, for although brave and hardy enough for any enterprise, we lack educated officers; and without them, little of importance can be effected against a numerous, well-appointed, and highly disciplined enemy. The late battle proved all this; and although we whipped the Yankees by sheer audacity, rough and ready fighting, with any weapons that may be at hand, can not maintain a contest successfully with an army ever increasing in number, and supplied with the most costly arms in the world, and with every comfort and improvement provided which science has invented or money can procure. Yours, Polk.
has proved himself an excellent leader and fierce fighter, but is said not to possess much genius for planning a campaign. Polk, and Bragg, we approached nearer to the enemy's camps, deployed columns, and commenced the attack. When about two milenemy's guns upon them. It was now nearly eleven o'clock. Reports from different parts of the field represented Hardee and Polk as having driven the enemy pell-mell before them, capturing camp after camp, and immense supplies of all kinds. The contiill maintained by the quickness and coolness of our several chiefs, among whom I would especially mention General (Bishop) Polk and old Bragg. The latter, of course, was ever with his beloved artillery, and seemed as cool as a cucumber, among thirty pieces blazing away like furies. Polk, however, had achieved a great success in capturing that arch-braggadocio Prentiss and his whole brigade — the same bombastic hero who, when in command at Cairo, was going to play thunder with us, as the boys t
complexion; in person, he is thick-set, of medium height, and is jocular in his manner. His uniform looked the worse for wear; even the three stars upon his throat being dingy and ragged, while his common black felt hat would not bring half a dollar at any place in times of peace. But he is well mounted and armed, and keeps an eye on General Lee, by whom he expects, to be called at any moment. He is a famous lawyer of South-Carolina, and when the United States were at war with Mexico, President Polk offered him the majorship of the first additional regiment of regulars which was then being raised. He served during that campaign, but achieved no distinction until the affair at Vienna, when he successfully smashed up a Dutch General's reconnoissance on the railroad, as narrated in another place. Gregg is called! he leans his head through a window and converses with Lee, but trots away as if dissatisfied. There goes Gregg, some one remarks, looking as black as thunder because not