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Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 387 13 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 76 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 61 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 51 1 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 48 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 48 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 32 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 30 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 29, 1861., [Electronic resource] 15 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 12, 1863., [Electronic resource] 14 0 Browse Search
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l Johnston's plan of the campaign. his and General Polk's army to operate on divergent lines. evacral Beauregard included the forces under Major-General Polk, with headquarters at Columbus, Kentuckyin middle Kentucky, and the remainder under General Polk, in western Tennessee. Meanwhile, many osand men, in Missouri, stood confronting Major-General Polk. The entire Federal forces, under the carksville with eight thousand men, and that General Polk, in his district of West Tennessee and Westommunication between General Johnston's and General Polk's forces, but allow the enemy to penetrate by the as yet ill-organized forces of General Polk, at Columbus, which were themselves threatened offensive, and had decided that his own and General Polk's army should operate on divergent lines. nder your immediate command and those under General Polk, separated unfortunately by that river, canon as Columbus, with the movable army under General Polk, when its communications can be so readily
issued any direct orders for the troops in General Polk's district. The following answer, forwarde light field-works had been constructed. General Polk had unbounded confidence in the strength ofon of Columbus, General Beauregard directed General Polk to prepare for it without delay. The safe e Bend should be ready to defend the river, General Polk was to maintain a vigilant watch and repel view of the great importance of New Madrid, General Polk was further instructed to send as strong a ntageously fortified. General McCown, of General Polk's forces, was selected to command those riv requested to meet General Beauregard, with General Polk, at Jackson, on the 19th. His reply was thble to be called, at any moment, to support General Polk, at or about Columbus. General Ruggles's bs definitively separating Generals Johnston and Polk, turning completely west Kentucky and west Tennsee and Cumberland rivers, the forces under General Polk (now to be under me) are entirely cut off f[13 more...]
etion of the works at Fort Pillow. remainder of General Polk's forces assembled upon Humboldt. preparations ith a view properly to organize the forces under General Polk, and the new levies daily expected, formally app proceed with the present chapter. Meanwhile, General Polk was making preparations for the evacuation of Coy. He continued, however, to send directions to General Polk, as the necessity arose respecting certain main Colonel Jordan was also commissioned to advise General Polk in person as to the evacuation then in process ohis and Charleston Railroad. What was left of General Polk's forces (about seven thousand men) was then assssumed command, but had directed matters through General Polk; but as the new levies and reinforcements were n for the proper organization of the troops under General Polk, these officers were even more needed to assist and six brigadiers, suggested by Generals Bragg and Polk; and, as there was still no cavalry colonel to recom
road, of all troops then available in West Tennessee and North Mississippi. Those at Grand Junction and Iuka he massed upon Corinth; those at Fort Pillow, and General Polk's forces at Humboldt and Lexington, he assembled at Bethel and Corinth, leaving detachments at Union City and Humboldt, to keep open the communications establiting distances of Corinth, some twenty-three thousand men of all arms, independently of the fourteen thousand, more or less, he had found in the district under General Polk, on the 17th of February. He hoped to be joined, before the end of March, by General Johnston's command, of about thirteen thousand men—exclusive of cavalry—t (about 25,000 strong) were imperfectly armed, insufficiently drilled, and only partly disciplined. They had but recently been organized into two corps, under Generals Polk and Bragg, composed of two divisions each. General Beauregard believed that, under such circumstances, our only hope of success lay in striking a sudden, hea
orinth. telegraphed to his corps commander, General Polk, that a strong body of the enemy, believed sion, was seriously threatening his front. General Polk at once (about 10 P. M.) transmitted the deoom, being a circular letter to Generals Bragg, Polk, and Hardee, directing them to hold their severers, from General Bragg's headquarters, to Generals Polk and Hardee, who received them, as well as ton, as best, and I left you explaining to Generals Polk and Hardee that which they particularly wea circular letter, addressed to Generals Bragg, Polk, and Hardee, severally corps commanders. As meetinghouse. He was then informed, by Major-General Polk, that his troops had already exhausted trovident of their food that he could supply General Polk with what he needed. This promise, howeverragg's troops, arranged in the same order. General Polk's corps, formed in column of brigades, deple was followed immediately by its battery. General Polk's cavalry supported and protected his left [5 more...]
ded to the left, General Beauregard ordered General Polk to move two of his brigades to the left reaneral Beauregard sent Johnson's brigade, of General Polk's corps, as a further reinforcement to the te Reports of Battles, p. 227. A brigade of General Polk's division, believed to be Russell's, Ma General Trudeau, volunteer aide-de-camp of General Polk, acting under instructions of General Beauror filling up the line; Cheatham's division, of Polk's corps, and Breckinridge's division, with Gladk, taken position near the right centre and General Polk near the left centre, while General Hardee ed with the efforts of the infantry, under Generals Polk and Ruggles, and the stubborn enemy began rigade, and by a portion of Gibson's, under General Polk. The remains of Hindman's division and Glaorces on the right of General Hardee, under General Polk's direction, were engaged in the same desul misunderstanding of orders, on the part of General Polk, his other (Cheatham's) division was sent b[7 more...]
Crittenden's division engaged. absence of General Polk from the field. his timely arrival at 10.3rps, increased by one division (Clark's) of General Polk's corps, which was subsequently reinforced was the position which had been assigned to General Polk. General Jordan, in his Campaigns of Lieents, wheresoever they could find subsistence. Polk's corps had been embodied, to some degree, and ral Bragg's right, caused by the absence of General Polk with one of his divisions, the latter arrivto General Beauregard, whose anxiety concerning Polk had been intense. Unable, since morning, to heg of the orders given the previous evening, General Polk had retired, with Cheatham's division, to hf Clark's (now Stewart's) division, of General Polk's corps—which, for the time being, was on Genert of Ruggles's division, his own corps, part of Polk's second division—Clark's, now commanded by Stethe rear guard. Then came the commands of Generals Polk, Hardee, and Bragg, which gradually withdr[1 more...]<
ackson, Tennessee, on the 17th of February. General Polk, with about fourteen thousand five hundred een made in one day; but two of our corps, Generals Polk's and Bragg's, which had been recently orgof commands not yet used to marching. General Polk's corps was, besides, rather slow in starting; ragg's, were thus deployed; the other two, Generals Polk's and Breckinridge's, were in columns of bre bayonets, or nearly ten thousand in all. General Polk's corps and General Breckinridge's divisionrty-five thousand infantry. The forces of Generals Polk and Breckinridge were formed in columns ofl if deployed to form the immediate front. General Polk's command, recently organized, was even les infantry and artillery, and by two brigades of Polk's corps, about four thousand five hundred men, ortunate absence of Cheatham's division, of General Polk's corps. General Bragg had, therefore, at rs, first, to General Breckinridge, then to General Polk, then to General Bragg; and at twenty minut[1 more...]
rgotten that General Beauregard, in his conference with General Polk, a few days after his arrival at Jackson, Tennessee, su p. 240. and also to his letter of February 23d to Lieutenant-General Polk. Appendix to Chapter XVI. These papers, documenthem. It had been agreed between Generals Beauregard and Polk that Brigadier-General McCown, with some seven thousand menral Trudeau, of Louisiana, acting Chief of Artillery on General Polk's staff. The line of conduct to be adopted and the mod Pillow with a portion of his forces, was authorized by General Polk to assume command there; but General Beauregard, thought telegrams he had received from Commodore Hollins, and Generals Polk and McCown, General Beauregard was under the impressionion, General Beauregard's telegrams and instructions to Generals Polk, Withers, Stewart, Rust, and Villepigue, to Captains HaBeauregard. 3. Jackson, Tenn., March 17th, 1862. Major-General L. Polk, Humboldt: What does McCown mean by his doubt?
General Van Dorn's forces at Corinth; of Generals Bragg's, Polk's, and Breckinridge's. bad water. mismanagement of commis army at Tupelo, in June, 1862, he frequently called on Generals Polk, Bragg, Hardee, and Breckinridge, for their reports of ted until many months after the battle, and one of them—General Polk's—was delayed until nearly a year had elapsed. They weeneral Bragg, whose left in turn rested on the right of General Polk's corps, stretching across the Mobile and Ohio Railroadft, and be ready to support the attack if necessary. General Polk was to take a position in advance of his lines, and attinate commanders together—namely, Generals Bragg, Van Dorn, Polk, Hardee, Breckinridge, and, by request, Major-General Pricemence with General Van Dorn, on the right, and end with General Polk, on the left—General Breckinridge being in reserve, and a meeting of general officers, composed of Generals Bragg, Polk, Van Dorn, Hardee, Price, and Breckinridge, who unanimousl