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Browsing named entities in J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary. You can also browse the collection for Polk or search for Polk in all documents.
Your search returned 27 results in 12 document sections:
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, Preface. (search)
This diary was written with the knowledge of the President and the Secretary of War.
I informed them of it by note.
They did not deprecate criticism on their official conduct; for they allowed me still to execute the functions of a very important position in the Government until the end of its career.
My discriminating friends will understand why I accepted the poor title of a clerkship, after having declined the Chargeship to Naples, tendered by Mr. Calhoun during the administration of President Polk.
J. B. J. Onancock, Accomac Co., Va., March, 1866.
III. June, 1861
Troops pour into Richmond.
beginning of hostilities.
Gen. Lee made a full general.
Gen. Polk.
a battle expected at Manassas.
June 1
In the absence of the Secretary, I arranged the furniture as well as I could, and took possession of the five offices I had selected.
But no business, of c on myself to be cicerone to the stranger.
He was very grateful,--for a long time.
Col. B. had graduated at West Point in the same class with the President and Bishop Polk, and subsequently, after following various pursuits, being once, I believe, a preacher, became settled as a teacher of mathematics at the University of Virginia who has been whispering with Col. Bledsoe several times during the last week, attracted my attention to-day.
And when he retired, Colonel B. informed me it was Bishop Polk, a classmate of his and the President's at West Point.
He had just been appointed a major-general, and assigned to duty in the West, where he would rank Gen. P
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 35 (search)
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 37 (search)