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Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
19--20, 1863 corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESBATTERIES PolkCheathamJackson, Smith, Maney, Wright, Strahl5 son, Deas, Manigault3 Hill, D. H.CleburneWood, Polk, Deshler3 BreckenridgeHelm, Adams, Stovall4 W under Polk, and the left under Longstreet. To Polk's wing was assigned Cheatham's division of his ngstreet, Bragg gave the division of Hindman of Polk's corps, Johnson's division, Buckner's corps, awas at 5.45. The orders were given by Bragg to Polk about midnight, but never reached Hill until 7.order from right to left: Adams, Stovall, Helm, Polk, Wood, Deshler. The two right brigades of AdamThese brigades constituted the whole command of Polk in charge of the right wing, except the divisio contained five brigades. Why neither Bragg or Polk put them in until after 6 P. M. is not explaine8265,621 Hill Cleburne Wood966802778Not giv. Polk524932547Not giv. Deshler5636624241,783 Total2 ammunition that it was dark before the rear of Polk's corps was stretched out upon the road, and Lo[7 more...]