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s divided into three great corps: Hardee's on the right, Hood in the centre, and Polk on the left. All the reinforcements brought up from Mobile, Savannah, and otherew rations here for seventy-nine thousand men — so says an escaped officer. General Polk holds their right, corresponding to our left, General Hood the centre, and G regiment, a very intelligent officer, who estimates the rebel forces, including Polk, who is here, at fifty-five thousand. He informs me that their only loss in Genouts. We have in front Hood's and Hardee's corps, with about twenty thousand of Polk's army commanded by the Parson in person. Among the General officers holding comands, are Johnston, Hardee, Hood, Stevenson, Pat Cleburne and Gibson, Bates and Polk. Major Landgraeber's report. Report of the battalion of artillery of e loss upon the attacking party. Our loss was not large. On Tuesday morning, Polk's corps lying in front of the Twenty-third corps, made a dash at the Second and
velopments; the Twenty-third Kentucky having remained with General Hazen at that point where I had left it in the morning. The enemy's sharpshooters and occasional cannonading kept up amusement for us in the meantime. It was here, near by me, that Colonel King, of the Sixty-eighth Indiana, fell a victim to the aim of a sharpshooter. In these two days my command took a considerable number of prisoners and sent them to the rear. Amongst them was Captain E. B. Sayers, Chief Engineer of General Polk's corps. He surrendered to me in person, was put in charge of Lieutenant Scott, my Engineer, and sent back to General Thomas' corps hospital. Sayers was one of the Camp Jackson prisoners, and formerly a citizen of St. Louis, Missouri. I presume many of the prisoners taken on Sunday escaped. About four o'clock a deserter came in and informed us that Breckenridge's division of the rebel army was advancing towards the same point where we had been in such deadly strife during the fore p
rgian. To the women no appeal is necessary. They are like the Spartan mothers of old. I know of one who has lost all her sons, except one of eighteen years. She wrote that she wanted me to reserve a place for him in the ranks. The venerable General Polk, to whom I read the letter, knew that woman well, and said it was characteristic of her; but I will not weary you by turning aside to relate the various incidents of giving up the last son to the cause of our country, known to me. Wherever we o crush Sherman. I am going to the army to confer with our Generals. The end must be the defeat of our enemy. It has been said that I abandoned Georgia to her fate. Shame upon such falsehood. Where could the author have been when Walker, when Polk, and when General Stephen D. Lee were sent to his assistance? Miserable man. The man who uttered this was a scoundrel. He was not a man to save our country. If I knew that a General did not possess the right qualities to command, would I not be
ately in front of Generals Hardee, Johnston and Polk, who were standing together in consultation, and a fragment entered the breast of General Polk, passed through the body, causing instant death. Ofas, and on Tuesday, when his battery killed General Polk, he remarked that he had avenged his relati two days. General Loring is reported as General Polk's successor in command of the corps. A fewp. First, their centre at Pine Knob, where General Polk fell, was enfiladed, and their heavy works I know the rebel army, when it was joined by Polk just before the fight at Resaca, was seventy-one thousand strong. This included Polk, and besides the additions before mentioned, it has received ohnston had at Dalton, last spring, just before Polk's reinforeement of thirty thousand, fifty-eightJune fourteenth. On this mountain is where Bishop Polk, General of the rebel army, fell, by a shotfantry and artillery, viz: Hardee's, Hood's and Polk's, the whole commanded by General Joseph E. Joh[2 more...]