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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
des to bear upon the very wharves of the capital. Although the more distinct sound of cannon, indicating the approach of Farragut, confirmed this news, they could not yet credit so great and so unforeseen a disaster; but the most incredulous became convinced when they saw the authorities themselves set fire to the dockyards of the navy. The scene of confusion and desolation of which this conflagration was the signal is nowhere better described than in the work of the Confederate historian Pollard, who cannot be suspected of exaggeration. Those who only the day before were earnestly at work to finish the Mississippi and other vessels intended for the defence of the city, were now hastening to destroy them; they set them on fire and pushed them violently into the river, which swallowed them, together with munitions of all kinds. Tile spirit of destruction is contagious; the blockade-runners, which had not been able to get out since the occupation of the passes by Farragut, but whic