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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Births, Deaths and Marriages from early records. (search)
d 1718 Mariages John Bradshaw and Mercy Tufts were married March ye 14 1718/ By ye Revd mr Porter— John Giles and Susanna Hall were married March ye 27 1718/ By ye Revd mr Porter Peter WaiPorter Peter Wait of Medford and Abigail Peirce of Woborn were married May 22 1718/ By ye Revd mr Porter. Ebenezer Hills and Margarett Hayes were maried July 29 1718. By Thomas Tufts Esqr Ebenezer Burgifs and Porter. Ebenezer Hills and Margarett Hayes were maried July 29 1718. By Thomas Tufts Esqr Ebenezer Burgifs and Mary Fowle both of Cambridge were married Octr ye 22d 1718 By Thomas Tufts Esqr— Joseph Frost and Rebecca Frost both of Bilreca were married Decr. 8 1718 By Thomas Tufts Esqr Joseph Blogget and Peter Wait & Abigal his Wife Born Aprill 21 1720 Joanna Porter Daughtr. of ye Revernd Mr. Aaron Porter & Mrs Susanah his Wife Born March 21st 1719 Jona Polley & Ledia Nutting wr. Maried by ye R Maried by ye Revernd Mr Aaron Porter Aprll 27/1720 Jane Porter Daughtr. of ye Revernd Mr. Aaron Porter Mr. Susanah his Wife Born November 9th/1720 Mr. Thomas Oaks and Abigail Brooks maried by y
de choice of a minister in 1712, when the lot fell to Mr. Aaron Porter. Mr. Tufts was afterward the honored minister of the church in Newbury. Aaron Porter. The last Wednesday of April, 1712, the town appointed as a day of fasting and prayerhest number they were to select one as their pastor. Mr. Aaron Porter was the choice, and in May, 1712, the town voted to iangers' money and twenty cords of wood, or seven pounds. Mr. Porter, in accepting the invitation, demanded one hundred pound2, is interesting: I go to Salem; see Mr. Noyes marry Mr. Aaron Porter and Miss Susan Sewell at my brother's. Was a pretty d it to Windsor tune. After about nine years of ministry Mr. Porter died on Jan. 23, 1722, at the age of thirty-three. Very little is known of Mr. Porter's ministry. The town was small and feeble, and had been torn by dissensions over Mr. Woodbrie town had been without a settled minister, but now with Mr. Porter's ministry it took on regular and stable ways. Ebenez