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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11., Ye olde Meting-House of Meadford. (search)
m. In May, 1712, their choice fell upon a young man of twenty-three years, Mr. Aaron Porter, who accepted the call and became the Reverend Mr. Porter by his ordinatiothe Reverend Mr. Porter by his ordination on February 11th next following. Notwithstanding a violent snow-storm on the preceding day, it is said that more people came than could get inside the meeting-houesented the bills incurred at the fast-day occasion that preceded the call of Mr. Porter—one from Ebenezer Brooks for neats toong & cheefe at ye fast 00-03-6, and oneately, we may never know the items that made up the sixteen pounds expense at Mr. Porter's ordination. If they had veall, neats toong & cheefe at the fast, we may beierce. After this was done the council adjourned to the meeting-house, where Mr. Porter was ordained, he preaching his own ordination sermon. The custom is differen too small. Deacon Bradshaw had the one on the right of the men's door, and Madam Porter (the minister's wife) the one on the left of the women's. Both of these coul
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11., Ye olde Meting-House of Meadford. (search)
from Vol. II, No. 2.] THE seats in the pews were hinged, and turned up on edge as the people stood during the long prayer. This concluded, they were turned down again, and the result was like a fusillade of musketry all over the house. Mr. Porter's pastorate was all too short, as he died after serving the church and town nine years, and was succeeded by the Rev. Ebenezer Turell in 1724. He, like his predecessor, took unto himself a wife soon after coming to Medford. Still more room ed with saying, If Andros comes to Medford we'll treat him not with shad and alewives but with swordfish. Possibly if this ancient Medfordite could now return, he would find a different taste prevailing in the matter of a fish diet; and Parson Porter would find that potatoes (unknown in Medford when he came as minister) afforded more palatable and nourishing food if the roots were cooked, instead of balls that grew upon the vines. Andros' successor wasn't much more heartily welcomed, though
Erratum. On page 66, read Mr. Aaron Porter instead of Warner. There was in later years a Rev. Aaron Warner, who was the first pastor of the Second Church—who might possibly wonder a little at the present Medford