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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 10: naval engagement at South-West pass.--the Gulf blockading squadron in November, 1861. (search)
ch was reported to the Secretary of State. Lieut. Porter was at that time under orders for Californtion or capture of the formidable fort. Lieut. Porter told the Secretary of State that if the gockly, the Commander (Mercer) changed for Lieutenant Porter, and all the orders written without the to be done but write the necessary orders, Lieut. Porter wrote out and Capt. Meigs transcribed themdent's order, and at last he succumbed. Lieut. Porter stepped on board the Powhatan in citizen'sonsenting to do so, a telegram was sent to Lieut. Porter as follows: Give the Powhatan up to Cae Navy delivered Mr. Seward's telegram. Lieut. Porter read it, and decided that there was only od and Capt Meigs came on board, handing to Lieut. Porter a protest against his going inside the harbors; and in starting to enter the harbor, Lieut. Porter wished to test how far the Government righome dash into simply convoy duty. After Lieut. Porter had discussed Col. Brown's protest with Ca[5 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 18: capture of forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
the fire to be from a raft, but this was disproved by Con. Porter, who pulled up the river in a boat and ascertained that thays entertained the same opinions which are expressed by Com. Porter; that is, there are three modes of attack, and the questp the Mississippi River past forts Jackson and St. Philip. Porter's mortar flotilla in the foreground (dressed with trees) ba match for the Union vessels if properly handled. Commander Porter took immediate steps to meet contingencies. The fail city. Immediately upon the receipt of this reply by Commander Porter. a very rapid mortar-fire was opened upon Fort Jacksn sent an officer on board the Harriet Lane to inform Commander Porter of his willingness to capitulate. On the following day Commander Porter with nine gun-boats, proceeded up river to Fort Jackson, under a flag of truce, and upon his arrival and Lieut. Col. Higgins. As the terms were being signed, Porter found, to his surprise, that the capitulation of the defen
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 19: battle of the forts and capture of New Orleans. (search)
rs and crew upon this trying occasion. Commander Porter called to see me on the afternoon of the th I have been acting under the orders of Commander Porter, and on the 28th I had the satisfaction odraw, and reported to the senior officer, Commander Porter, who attached me temporarily to his fleeter of the forts, after which, by order of Commander Porter, I received on board this vessel the pris4th of April, at sunrise, I consulted with Captain Porter, and we concluded to continue the work andma. April 17.--I saw and consulted with Captain Porter and the flag-officer. To the latter, I gamortars in the exact spot as designated by Captain Porter, at accurately known distances. They wereore charts for the fleet. In the evening, Captain Porter sent me word again to dispatch early next riet Lane in the forenoon, but did not see Captain Porter, who was in his gig among the fleet. The Sachem, bringing me a verbal request from Captain Porter to accompany General Butler's expedition t[10 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 20: a brave officer's mortification.--history set right. (search)
but did it detract from his glory that the report of the battle described how it was fought, and the exact position of his own vessel, and those of his subordinates? This matter has been the subject of much discussion among officers then commanding vessels in my division; all say that no vessel of your center division came up abreast of, or lapped their vessels. Practically, the effect of your verbal order was, to divide the fleet into four divisions, viz: 1st. The mortar fleet, Commander Porter. 2d. The first division of the gun-boats, under my command, to which was added the two sloops-of-war, Pensacola and Mississippi, of which the gun-boat Cayuga (with my division flag) was the leading vessel. 3d. The center division, with your flag on the Hartford, and 4th. The rear division, bearing the flag of Captain H. H. Bell. The first, center, and rear divisions went up to the attack in single file, or line ahead. I went up at the head of my division at 2 P. M., or a
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 21: capture of New Orleans.--first attack on Vicksburg by Farragut's fleet and mortar flotilla.--junction of flag-officers Farragut and Davis above Vicksburg.--ram Arkansas. (search)
Pinola and on the port quarter of the Brooklyn, which I held. On the batteries opening fire, I found, from the position of the steamers under the command of Commander Porter, that I could not bring my guns to bear on the batteries without serious injury to them. Immediately on their dropping astern I opened fire on the bluff bat have to inform you that we are still at this place, bombarding it by the mortars from both sides of the peninsula. Flag-officer Davis has four mortars, and Commander Porter sixteen. Commander Porter has hard work to keep them from attacking him with riflemen; thus far, however, he has always got the best of them, and forced themCommander Porter has hard work to keep them from attacking him with riflemen; thus far, however, he has always got the best of them, and forced them to retreat. He reported yesterday that he had found five dead bodies in the swamp near him, and large quantities of shoes, knapsacks, muskets, etc., showing that he had driven them precipitately from the woods. I received a telegram yesterday from General Halleck, a copy of it is herewith enclosed, by which it appears that he
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 29: siege of Vicksburg--continued. (search)
Departments. The plans for the capture of Vicksburg from the first to the last were arranged by General Grant and Admiral Porter. and carried out to the end with that unanimity of purpose which always leads to success. General Grant never und harmony of action prevailed which probably never was obtained in any other military and naval co-operation. Grant and Porter were of assimilated rank, and neither could give an order to the other; therefore it was only through that high courtesy from the naval part of the expedition to capture Vicksburg. In his reminiscences of the war, he says: The Navy under Porter was all it could be during the entire campaign. Without its assistance the campaign could not have been successfully mad him, as will appear from the following letter written after the surrender of Vicksburg. [detailed report of Acting-Rear-Admiral Porter.] U. S. Mississippi Squadron, Flag-Ship Black Hawk, off Vicksburg, July 13, 1863. Sir — I have made re
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 41: the Red River expedition, under Major-General N. P. Banks, assisted by the Navy under Rear-Admiral David D. Porter. (search)
y after, they fled from the field, leaving many of their dead, among them General Green, who had his head blown off. General Kilby Smith says, on offering Admiral Porter's letter to A. J. Smith, praising his conduct, for the inspection of the Committee on the conduct of the war: The Admiral was not thoroughly posted in regard statement: At noon the enemy planted two guns on the other side of the river [which side?], and opened upon the fleet. We lay under shell for five hours. Admiral Porter, with the most effective gun-boats, having taken the advance, had reached Grand Ecore in safety. The Osage and Lexington were the only effective gun-boats leling forth all the objections to an advance that he could in order to justify his course, and to say that his desire to advance on the enemy was overruled! Admiral Porter had already told him that he could not now advance, if he depended on the gun-boats and transports; but he never advised him to leave Grand Ecore. General
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
communications between General Banks and Admiral Porter. General McClernand attacked by the Confe. cotton steamers attacked and disabled. Admiral Porter's report on the building of the dam. the tion. General Franklin had mentioned to Admiral Porter at Grand Ecore, on his stating that the naew his business very well, and sent him to Admiral Porter again; and, after he got down to Alexandrie. Colonel Bailey, in his report, says: Admiral Porter furnished a detail from his ships' crews u to my headquarters, and wrote a letter to Admiral Porter [No such letter was ever received, if it whe gun-boats so essential to success, that he (Porter) had to run some risks and make unusual exertid been assured by the Navy Department that Admiral Porter would be prepared to co-operate with the Aautical affairs. In a subsequent dispatch Admiral Porter says, that all my vessels navigated the ri, in this official and formal manner, that Admiral Porter's published official statements relating t[4 more...]
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 45: the cruise of the Sumter and the havoc she committed. (search)
se, as he says, I only resorted to that practice when it became evident there was nothing else to do. As soon as Lieutenant Porter ascertained from the crew of the Abby Bradford the whereabouts of the Sumter, he obtained the permission of Flag-ofo or three days after the Sumter sailed. The pilot said she had caulked her ports in and sailed for Barbadoes; but Lieutenant Porter, feeling satisfied that Semmes was aiming to get on the track of American vessels bound round Cape St. Roque, and k and Maranham, turned back to the westward. We learn from the same papers that the enemy's steam-frigate Powhatan, Lieutenant Porter, with more sagacity, pursued us to Maranham, arriving there one week [four days] after our departure. At a subsequent date, Lieutenant (now Admiral) Porter's official account fell into my hands, and, plotting his track, I found that on one occasion we had been within forty miles of each other, almost near enough on a still day to see each other's smoke. This wa
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 50: Second attack on Fort Fisher. (search)
ispatch of Rear-Admiral D. D. Porter, transmitting report of fleet-captain K. R. Breese, in regard to the deaths of Lieutenants Porter and Preston. North Atlantic Squadron, U. S. Flag-Ship Malvern, Cape Fear River, February 1, 1865. Sir — I mmunication from my fleet-captain, Lieutenant-Commander K. R. Breese, in relation to the lamented Lieutenants Preston and Porter, who fell together before the walls of Fort Fisher, and while trying to plant the Union colors on the enemy's ramparts. lmost every shot from the enemy carried its message of wound or death to some one of our number. Lieutenants Preston and Porter and Acting-Ensign Wiley, of the Montgomery, had fallen dead. Lieutenants Lamson and Bache, and many other officers, bothll be proud. They can be illy spared, but their names will be treasured as an inspiration for the future. Preston and Porter were killed at the front, and Assistant-Surgeon William Longshaw, Jr., after adding to the reputation for bravery which h