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uakers continued to multiply. Virginia, as if resolved to 663. Sept. hasten the colonization of North Carolina, sharpened her laws against all separatists, punished their meetings by heavy fines, and ordered the more affluent to pay the forfeitures of the poor. The colony that should have opened its doors wide to all the persecuted, punished the ship-master that received non-conformists as passengers, and threatened such as resided in the colony with banishment. Hening, ii. 180—183. John Porter, the burgess for Lower Norfolk, was expelled from the assembly, Sept. 12. because he was well affected to the Quakers. Ibid. ii. 198. The legislature was equally friendly to the power of the crown. In every colony where Puritanism Chap. XIV.} 1658 Mar. prevailed, there was a uniform disposition to refuse a fixed salary to the royal governor. Virginia, at a time when the chief magistrate was elected by its own citizens, had voted a fixed salary for that magistrate; but the measure,