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Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1, chapter 9 (search)
ch. 10, sect. 796-798, and Shaw's argument when counsel against Prescott, Prescott's Trial, p. 180.) As the Constitution confines the procePrescott's Trial, p. 180.) As the Constitution confines the process of impeachment to cases of official misconduct, and as we do not pretend that Mr. Loring, sitting as a Judge of Probate, has been guilty ofof two thirds of each branch of the Legislature. Then comes William Prescott, a name well known here and the world over. He was a man of Erecise statutes of the Commonwealth, comes the case described by Mr. Prescott, where a judge ought to be dismissed for infirmity ; for we mainde. Nobody objects to this provision, said Mr. Austin. There sat Prescott, Shaw, Webster, Story, Lincoln,--the men whom you look up to as thf Chief Justice Shaw, when he was counsel for the House against Judge Prescott, of Groton, who was removed on impeachment, you will recollect, and for which, therefore, the offender would not be indictable. (Prescott's Case, p. 180.) You may think, Gentlemen, that I have occupied