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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
Germany for his health), wished me to call Mr. Prescott's attention to the latter article. The note at page sixty or seventy about Prescott's book is written by Reeve. I have been pressing Reeve toly, and said that he was to write a review of Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella for the Quarterly, at for this was the dedication to the Hon. William Prescott. What right, he asked, has Mr. Prescott Mr. Prescott to this title? I confessed that there was a ridiculous prevalence of titles in America; but submittcularly it would be unjust to hang it upon Judge Prescott, whose merits richly deserved the title, aHistory of Spanish Literature; and assisted Mr. Prescott in his historical researches. In a note ofr Spanish gravity. We talked a great deal of Prescott's book; and he seemed never to tire in comment he has some which would be very useful to Mr. Prescott, and which are entirely at his service. Amnture to make any criticism, it would be that Prescott was a little too anti-Gallican, and that he h[9 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, March 1, 1839. (search)
would happen, in casu consimili, in America. Tell Washington Allston that a brother artist of great distinction—Mr. Collins William Collins, 1787-1847. A memoir of this landscape painter has been written by his son, William Wilkie Collins, the novelist.—inquired after him in a most affectionate manner, and wished to be remembered to him. Southey told Collins that he thought some of Allston's poems were among the finest productions of modern times. Mr. and Mrs. Gaily Knight are reading Prescott, and admire him very much. I know few people whose favorable judgment is more to be valued than his. I have spoken with Macaulay about an American edition of his works. He has received no communication from any publisher on the subject, and seemed to be coy and disinclined. He said they were trifles, full of mistakes, which he should rather see forgotten than preserved. An edition by Carey & Hart, of Philadelphia, was published in 1841, and preceded any English edition. I have just he
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 19: Paris again.—March to April, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
ested me more, and whose society I felt more anxious to cultivate. Perhaps I was won by his misfortunes. As we parted,—he treating me with great warmth and attention,—I contented myself with saying, and I could not say less: Monsieur Papineau, je vous souhaite le bonheur.—Ah! he replied, Nous nous verrons encore une fois en Amerique dans les jours qui seront bons et beaux. The last Quarterly Review contains an article on a Spanish subject,— written undoubtedly by Ford, who will review Prescott. Fearing that Ford's high Toryism might be turned against us by recent events, I wrote him yesterday in order to turn aside his wrath, and suggesting to him that the Muse should extend her olive branch, even in this time of semi-strife, between our two countries. I go to Naples as fast as I can go. You will next hear from me lapped in soft Parthenope; and perhaps I may encounter even the August heat of Rome, without, alas! hearing the hoarse verses of Codrus. Ever affectionately your
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 23: return to his profession.—1840-41.—Age, 29-30. (search)
, and died Jan. 28, 1859. His father, Judge William Prescott, died Dec. 8, 1844, at the age of eighterested in the literary work of his friends, Prescott, Bancroft, Sparks, Story, and Greenleaf,—all m a dinner at the Tremont House, where Story, Prescott, Bancroft, Ticknor, Choate, Hillard, Felton, asions when Morpeth was entertained by Story, Prescott, and Longfellow. The Earl of Carlisle (Lorroft, Ticknor, Longfellow, R. W. Emerson, and Prescott.—Speeches, Lectures, and Poems of the Earl ofors in Boston had always stood open to him,—Mr. Prescott's and my brother's. His conversation was riant, where we had a very pleasant dinner with Prescott, who regretted much that you could not come. t of General Miller to Nahant is mentioned in Prescott's Life, p. 171. Lieber is here still; he leavreenleaf is engaged upon a work on Evidence. Prescott, you know, is writing the Conquest of Mexico. he will carry on slowly through the summer. Prescott has completed the introduction to his history<