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Browsing named entities in Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. You can also browse the collection for A. Lincoln President or search for A. Lincoln President in all documents.

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at I have not been killed a single time since I reached Washington. So don't believe any such absurd rumors. How lucky that you did not hear the report until after you received the telegram! I had another bouquet this morning, one from the Lady President. Mr. Lincoln came this morning to ask me to pardon a man that I had ordered to be shot, suggesting that I could give as a reason in the order that it was by request of the Lady President. Sept. .--Inspected works from Corcoran to AlbaLady President. Sept. .--Inspected works from Corcoran to Albany; reviewed McDowell's division and another brigade; condition of troops excellent. Received proceedings of court-martial sentencing a dozen men to death; too severe and unjust. Sept. 27. . . . He (the President) sent a carriage for me to meet him and the cabinet at Gen. Scott's office. Before we got through the general raised a row with me. I kept cool. In the course of the conversation he very strongly intimated that we were no longer friends. I said nothing, merely looked at him
may require. And this from the President: Yours of eleven A. M. to-day received. Secretary of War informs me that the forwarding of transportation, ammunition, and Woodbury's brigade under your order has not and will not be interfered with. You now have over one hundred thousand troops with you, independent of Gen. Wool's command. I think you had better break the enemy's line from Yorktown to Warwick river at once. This will probably use time as advantageously as you can. A. Lincoln President. To this I replied, April 7, to the President: Your telegram of yesterday received. In reply I have the honor to state that my entire force for duty only amounts to about eighty-five thousand (85,000) men. Gen. Wool's command, as you will observe from the accompanying order, has been taken out of my control, although he has most cheerfully co-operated with me. The only use that can be made of his command is to protect my communications in rear of this point. At this time only