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Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 2 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 29, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army 1 1 Browse Search
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g of the matter: headquarters, Valley District, November 20, 1861. Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War. sir: I hope you will pardon me for requesting that, at once, all the troops under General Loring be ordered to this point. Deeply impressed with the importance of absolute secrecy respecting military operations, I have made it a point to say but little respecting my proposed movements in the event of sufficient reinforcements arriving, but, since conversing with Lieutenant-Colonel J. L. T. Preston upon his return from General Loring, and ascertaining the disposition of the General's forces, I venture to respectfully urge that, after concentrating all his troops here, an attempt should be made to capture the Federal forces at Romney. The attack on Romney would probably induce McClellan to believe that the Army of the Potomac had been so weakened as to justify him in making an advance on Centreville; but, should this not induce him to advance, I do not believe anything w
0, 22, 23, 25, 176, 212. Pillow, General. Defense of Belmont, Missouri, 346. Pinckney, Charles, 9, 136, 139. Pleasants, James, 9. Plymouth (ship), 285. Poindexter, —, 62. Polk, Gen., Leonidas, 345, 351. Occupation of Columbus, Ky., 336-37. Correspondence with Kentucky authorities, 337-41. Defense of Belmont, Mo., 346-47. Popular sovereignty, (See Squatter sovereignty). Porterfield, Colonel, 293. Powell, Senator, 53, 55, 58. Prentice, —, 339. Preston, Col. J. L. T., 391. Col. John S., 324. William, 342. Price, Gen., Sterling, 356, 361, 364, 367-68, 369-70. Agreement with Gen. Harney, 358-60. Extract from address to people of Mis-souri, 361-62. Pugh, —, 38. Q Quincy, Josiah, 63, 140. Right of secession, 62-63. Quitman, Gen. John A., 17, 18. R Rains, Gen. G. W. Establishment of powder mill, 274-75, 407-08. Randolph, Edmund, 84, 94, 136. Opposition to armed force against states, 151. John, 9. Raritan (sh<
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 3: influence of Christian officers—continued. (search)
ed on the grave with a verse of a familiar hymn pinned to it. Upon inquiry she found that a colored boy, who had belonged to Jackson's Sunday-school, had procured the flag, gotten some one to copy a stanza of a favorite hymn which Jackson had taught him, and had gone in the night to plant the flag on the grave of his loved teacher. It will be gratifying to many of our readers to add that this school is still kept up, and is in a most flourishing condition under the management, of Colonel J. L. T. Preston, of the Virginia Military Institute, Professor J. J. White, of Washington and Lee University, and others of the best people in Lexington. Jackson was equally scrupulous in attending to all his religious duties. Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? seemed the motto of his life. Regular in meeting all of his religious obligations, he walked straight along the path of duty, doing with his might whatsoever his hands found to do. In the army his piety, despite all obstacles, seemed
Religious Intelligence. --The committees appointed on the subject of a union between the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States, and the United Synod of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States, met in Lynchburg, Va., on Saturday, with reference to a union of the two denominations. The committee of the General Assembly consists of Rev. Drs. Dabney, Brown, Ramsey, of Va., and Drs. Waddell and Baird of Miss. and J. L. T. Preston and F. Watkins, Esqs., Elders. The committee of the United Synod are: Rev. Den Stiles, Mitchell, Read, and and Rev. J. J. Robinson, and Elders J. T. Randolph, Tucker and James F. Johnson.