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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
nel Abram C. Myers (March 15, 1861) Brig.-Gen. A. R. Lawton (Aug. 10, 1863). Commissary-General's Department Colonel Lucius B. Northrop (March 16, 1861) Brig.-Gen. I. M. St. John (February 16, 1865) Ordnance Department Brig.-Gen. Josiah Gorgas. Engineer Bureau Maj.-Gen. Jeremy F. Gilmer. Medical Department Brig.-Gen. Samuel P. Moore. Nitre and Mining Bureau Brig.-Gen. I. M. St. John Colonel Richard Morton (Feb. 16, 1865). Conscription Bureau Brig.-Gen. John S. Preston, Chief Col. T. P. August, Supt. Prison camps Brig.-Gen. John H. Winder. Exchange of prisoners Col. Robert Ould, Chief. Commission of Patents Commissioner of Patents Rufus R. Rhodes. The Confederate States Navy Department. Secretary of the Navy: Stephen R. Mallory. Orders and detail Captain French Forrest Commander John K. Mitchell. Ordnance and Hydrography Commander George Minor Commander John M. Brooke. Provisions and clothing Assis't Surgeon John de<
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 3: early's brigade at Manassas. (search)
he declared that he would go back and give them another trial. He fell into the ranks of Kemper's regiment and I believe remained with it to the close of the battle. Captain Gardner had been sent ahead for instructions and had met with Colonel John S. Preston, a volunteer aide to General Beauregard; and on our getting near to the battlefield, Colonel Preston rode to meet us and informed me that the General had gone to the front on the right, to conduct an attack on the enemy, but that GeneralColonel Preston rode to meet us and informed me that the General had gone to the front on the right, to conduct an attack on the enemy, but that General Johnston was on that part of the field near which we were and would give me instructions. He pointed out the direction in which General Johnston was, and I moved on, soon meeting the General himself, who rode towards us when he discovered our approach, and expressed his gratification at our arrival. I asked him at once to show me my position, to which he replied that he was too much engaged to do that in person, but would give me directions as to what I was to do. He then directed me to m
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
r, General (U. S. A.), 131, 152 Posey, General C., 231, 233 Potomac District, 51 Potomac River, 4, 33, 40-41-42-43, 45-46-47-48, 51, 91, 134-141, 146, 152, 154-55, 157, 160, 237, 253-55, 277, 281-82, 284, 297, 326, 332, 366-69, 371, 380, 382- 384, 386, 391-94, 398, 400-404, 409, 415, 475 Potts' Mountain, 331 Pound Gap, 462 Powell, Captain, 444 Powell Fort Valley, 367 Powell's Division (U. S. A.), 454 Pratt, 184, 193, 196, 200, 201 Preston, Colonel R. T., 2 Preston, General J. S., 21 Prince, General (U. S. A.), 103 Pritchard's Hill, 241, 242 Pughtown, 240, 244, 246 Quaker Church, 140, 374, 476 Quincy, 254 Raccoon Ford, 106, 302 Radford, Colonel R. C. W., 24 Radford, Lieutenant Colonel, 454 Raines, General, 61, 62, 64 Ramseur, General, 345-46, 361, 372, 374, 376, 383-389. 392, 396-97, 399, 402, 406, 408, 413, 420-430, 434, 440, 444-452, 456 Randolph, Captain, W. F., 188, 322 Randolph, Secretary General, 77 Ransom, Genera
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 4: going to Montgomery.-appointment of the Cabinet. (search)
and two red stripes the same width. Under it we won our victories, and the memory of its glory will never fade. It is enshrined with the extinct Confederation in our hearts forever. The town swarmed with men desiring and receiving commissions. Statesmen, lawyers, congressmen, planters, merchants pressed forward ardently to fulfil their part in the struggle. The Hon. William C. Rives, of Virginia, Pierce Butler, T. Butler King, William L. Yancey, James M. Mason, R. M. T. Hunter, John S. Preston, of Virginia, William Preston, of Kentucky, F. S. Bartow, of Georgia, J. P. Mallory and Steven Mallory, the Hon. James Chesnut, of South Carolina, and thousands of others. Dr. Russell, a very storm-bird of battles, the correspondent of the London Times, came to see and report. Very few battled for rank; they were there for service; and the majority simply gave their names; if they had previously held rank in the army or navy they mentioned the grade, and left the authorities to def
burg, beat back Burnside, and saved the flank of Lee's army, but fell at last on the field of Petersburg; from the first hour to his last not only doing his best, but all that man could accomplish, to serve his country. Patriotic enthusiasm could present no grander picture than that of General Wade Hampton, a fit representative man of the much ridiculed but living and beloved chivalry of the South, who, while looking through his glass during a cavalry battle near Petersburg, saw his son Preston, who, possessed of great personal beauty, much mind, and keen wit, had just reached his twenty-first year, fall dead on the field, and his brother Wade stoop over him and fall across his beautiful young brother's body. The bereaved father thought them both slain, and unsheathing his sword, rode straight, not to receive their dying words, but for the hottest part of the battle, and fought with all his might in a hand to hand encounter, and himself came out-probably the only division command
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 62: leaving Charlotte.—The rumors of surrender. (search)
emed to be a panic imminent, I decided to go with my children and servants on the extra train provided for the treasure, which could only run as far as Chester, as the road was broken, We reached there in the morning and were met by Generals John S. Preston, Hood, and Chesnut. General Preston said, We of this day have no future, but we can worthily bear defeat; anything that man can do I will for you or the President. General Hood said: If I have lost my leg and also lost my freedom, I am General Preston said, We of this day have no future, but we can worthily bear defeat; anything that man can do I will for you or the President. General Hood said: If I have lost my leg and also lost my freedom, I am miserable indeed. And General Chesnut bowed his dignified head and said: Let me help you if I can, it is probably the last service I can render. And these three types of Southern gentlemen formed a noble picture as they stood calm in the expectation of our great woe. With much trouble an ambulance was secured for my family and a wagon for our luggage, and after dark I started to follow the treasure train on the road to Abbeville. The ambulance was too heavily laden in the deep mud, and a
eneral upon that subject, herewith transmitted. In connection with the subject of exemptions, I call your attention to my correspondence with the Commandant of conscripts for South-Carolina, Major C. D. Melton, who is the successor of Colonel John S. Preston, with whom, previous to your last extra session, I had a correspondence, a copy of which was then transmitted to you. Another copy, as also a copy of that with Major Melton, is now transmitted. This subject calls for legislation, so as xecutive Council, on the same subject, and the action of your two Houses, at your last session, (the House approving and the Senate by its silence acquiescing in my action,) made it proper that I should reply to Major Melton as I had done to Colonel Preston. Additional legislation is needed to enable the Executive, through civil or military authority, or both, more effectually to aid the confederate government in arresting deserters from the army. In most cases the absentees have probably n
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 4: seditious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. (search)
tes until a blow is struck. F. D. Richardson said :--We must not consider what we have borne, but what we must bear hereafter. There is no remedy for these evils in the Government; we have no alternative but to come out of the Government. John S. Preston was afraid of the people, and opposed a convention. He thought popular conventions dangerous things, except when the necessities of the country absolutely demand them. He opposed them, he said, simply and entirely with the view of hasteninted to visit other Slave-labor States:--To Alabama, A. P. Calhoun; to Georgia, James L. Orr; to Florida, L. W. Spratt; to Mississippi, M. L. Bonham; to Louisiana, J. L. Manning; to Arkansas, A. C. Spain; to Texas, J. B. Kershaw; to Virginia, John S. Preston. to ask their co-operation; to propose the National Constitution just abandoned as a basis for a provisional government; and to invite the seceding States to meet South Carolina in convention at Montgomery, Alabama, on the 13th of February,
ment on our left on that day. Shortly after daybreak next morning, the thirty-first of December, Col. Schaeffer received orders to reenforce Gen. Sill's brigade with some regiments, and the Fifteenth Missouri volunteers and Forty-fourth Illinois volunteers, under command of Lieut.-Colonel Weber, of the Fifteenth Missouri volunteers, were accordingly sent to Gen. Sill, with orders to report for duty to him. The Second battalion of the Seventy-third Illinois volunteers, under command of Major Preston, was detached to protect Captain Hesscock's battery, while the other battalion of the Seventy-third Illinois volunteers and the Second Missouri volunteers were held in reserve. The Fifteenth Missouri volunteers and Forty-fourth Illinois volunteers had a position assigned to them about thirty yards in rear of Gen. Sill's brigade, when after a short interval Lieut.-Col. Weber received orders to advance in double-quick. The order was promptly executed, and Lieut.-Colonel Weber found himse
send this force to Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's support, who was unable to make further progress, and he was directed to maintain his position. Lieut.-General Polk was directed with these reinforcements to throw all the force he could collect upon the enemy's extreme left, and thereby either carry that strong point which had so far resisted us so successfully — or failing in that, at least to draw off from Hardee's front the formidable opposition there concentrated. The three brigades of Jackson, Preston, and Adams were successively reported for their work. How gallantly they moved to their task, and how much they suffered in the determined effort to accomplish it, will better appear from reports of subordinate commanders, and the statement of the losses therewith. Upon this flank, their strongest defensive position resting on the river-bank, the enemy had concentrated not less than twenty pieces of artillery, masked almost from view, but covering an open space in front of several hun