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motion, were referred and ordered to be printed. Equality of taxation. The resolutions offered some time ago, by Mr.Willey, of Monongalia, on the subject of taxation, came up in order, and Mr. Willey briefly addressed the Convention, urging their adoption, and opposing the amendments that had been proposed. Mr. Seawell, of Gloucester, advocated the amendment which he had offered, for the raising of a committee to report on the subject at an adjourned session. Mr. Brown, of Preston, was in favor of action with out delay. If it was the design of the Convention to refuse the act of justice demanded by the West, they ought to know it. Mr. Chambliss, of Greenville, was willing to meet his Western friends at the proper time in a spirit of kindness; but he appealed to them to let the important Federal questions be acted on first. No injustice was intended towards them. He was in favor of the amendment offered by Mr. Seawell. Mr. Haymond, of Marion, said the Wes
ed to bring about a peaceful solution of difficulties. He hoped the Committee would see the obvious propriety of the amendment. Mr. Wise opposed the amendment, not so much on his own behalf as on behalf of the gentleman from Montgomery, (Mr. Preston,) who was now absent, and with whom the resolution was an especial pet. He could not consent that Virginia should be placed merely in the character of a mediator. He argued to show that the commencement of hostilities on one side would be unfriendly to us, and an attempt on the other side to subjugate the seceded States would not only be hurtful to us, but injurious to our honor. Mr. Johnson thought if the gentleman was the especial guardian of Mr. Preston's resolution, it was a little strange that he this morning took such a liberty with it himself. He forcibly urged the adoption of his amendment as the surest means of preserving the peace between the parties. Mr. Dorman moved to amend the amendment by substituting the