Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel M. Price or search for Samuel M. Price in all documents.

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Missouri. --The Northern telegraphic accounts from Missouri are altogether unreliable. We have no idea that our cause there is retrograding, notwithstanding the retreat of McCulloch to Arkansas. From accounts received by telegraph here, it is evident that both Green and Price are doing good service. McCulloch's withdrawal is merely temporary and for a good reason, intended to give his next advance increased potency and effect. General A. S. Johnston will soon add new spirit and efficiency to the operations in Missouri.
unshine was laden with bacon, sugar, &c., and 600 stand of arms. [second Dispatch.] St. Louis, Sept. 14. --Gen. Price's advance guard is at Warrensburg. Price claims to have 16,000 in his main body, and is approaching Lexington. The saPrice claims to have 16,000 in his main body, and is approaching Lexington. The same messenger brought Price's official account of the battle at Fort Scott on the 4th of September. The forces under Gens. Lane and Montgomery, at the Junction, retreated after a skirmish of an hour and a half. Price's loss was 3 killed and 27 woundPrice's official account of the battle at Fort Scott on the 4th of September. The forces under Gens. Lane and Montgomery, at the Junction, retreated after a skirmish of an hour and a half. Price's loss was 3 killed and 27 wounded. The Kansas have abandoned Fort Scott, and continued their retreat towards Kansas. mber. The forces under Gens. Lane and Montgomery, at the Junction, retreated after a skirmish of an hour and a half. Price's loss was 3 killed and 27 wounded. The Kansas have abandoned Fort Scott, and continued their retreat towards Kansas.