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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel M. Price or search for Samuel M. Price in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1862., [Electronic resource], Samuel M. Price , of Greenbrier . (search)
Samuel M. Price, of Greenbrier.
We learn, from a private letter from Lewisburg, that Samuel M. Price, Esq., who represented Greenbrier county in the late Convention, is still a prisoner, and, it is stated, will be held for our good treatment tSamuel M. Price, Esq., who represented Greenbrier county in the late Convention, is still a prisoner, and, it is stated, will be held for our good treatment to Dr. Rucker, Mr. Price is a man who stood well as a public and private individual, and although he took strong Union grounds in the Convention, no one was more devoted to the interest of his State, as soon as she had cast her fate with the South.
Mr. Price is a man who stood well as a public and private individual, and although he took strong Union grounds in the Convention, no one was more devoted to the interest of his State, as soon as she had cast her fate with the South.
When the enemy made his appearance in Lewisburg he addressed the citizens, even in his very presence, entreating them to hold fast to their allegiance.
He moreover, objected publicly to the election for city officers which was proposed.
He was the ain, they took him off to Charleston, where he is now a prisoner, but not closely confined.
When some of the enemy met Mrs. Price they told her of the intention of the Government, and asked her to intercede for Rucker, in order that her husband migh