Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 3, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel M. Price or search for Samuel M. Price in all documents.

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anhaum, alias E. Morris, a young white man, was charged with feloniously, and by false pretences, obtaining one piece of worsted cloth, valued at $1,800, from Samuel M. Price, he representing himself as the agent of P. Levy. Christian Bergheimer, clerk at Price's store, stated that Morris, after looking at the goods, remarked thatPrice's store, stated that Morris, after looking at the goods, remarked that he would take them to P. Levy, and if they suited said Levy he would return in twenty minutes and settle. Filling to do so, Mr. Price called upon Levy, when he learned that Morris had not been authorized to make any such purchase for him and that the whole affair was a swindle. The accused was remanded for indictment by the granMr. Price called upon Levy, when he learned that Morris had not been authorized to make any such purchase for him and that the whole affair was a swindle. The accused was remanded for indictment by the grand jury of the Hustings Court. John Maddux was charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the street and attempting to shoot John Vance. The accused, who is a one legged soldier, plead as an excuse for his conduct that he was drunk at the time; but if the Mayor would let him off he would sin in like manner no more. He