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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel M. Price or search for Samuel M. Price in all documents.
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Judge Lyons's court.
--This court was in session yesterday, when the following cases were considered and disposed of:
Samuel Clarke, indicted for stealing a cow from Ash Levy, was convicted by the jury and sentenced to three years confinement in the penitentiary.
In another case against the accused, indicted for stealing a hog from Henry Smith, he was convicted of petty larceny and sentenced to two days confinement in the city jail.
The case of Reuben Morris, indicted for obtaining goods under false pretences from Samuel M. Price & Co., was continued till the March term.
A Yankee deserter, named Joseph Johnson, indicted for garroting John Stokes and robbing him of eighty-five dollars, was acquitted.
George W. Berry, indicted for stealing a watch from Francis M. Ray, was adjudged guilty of petty larceny and sentenced to six months confinement in jail.
The court adjourned till 11 o'clock this morning.