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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Tan Dorn's report of the Elkhorn campaign. (search)
hes on the 22d February, informing me that General Price had rapidly fallen back from Springfield bson and take command of the combined forces of Price and McCulloch. I reached their headquarters of the 4th of March moved with the divisions of Price and McCulloch, by way of Fayetteville and BentA. M. before the head of the leading division (Price's) reached the village, and we had the mortifit soon after dark I marched again, moving with Price's division in advance, and taking the road by ade dispositions for attack, and directing General Price to move forward cautiously, soon drew the tain its ground, I could at once throw forward Price's left, advance his whole line, and end the baagement I was with the Missouri division under Price, and I have never seen better fighters than thsouri troops, or more gallant leaders than General Price and his officers. From the first to the lk, they retired steadily and with cheers. General Price received a severe wound early in the actio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate career of General Albert Sidney Johnston. (search)
territory included in this department had been confined exclusively to Missouri. In that State Price and McCullough had won the important victory of Oak Hill, or Wilson's creek, and Price, marchingPrice, marching into the interior, had achieved a brilliant and valuable success by the capture of Lexington, its garrison and military stores. But the immense Federal odds in Missouri, which the inactivity prevailing elsewhere in the West permitted to be used against him, soon forced General Price to retire to Arkansas, having only half reaped the fruits of victory; and the incalculable advantage so nearly gd and disciplined army corps, was ordered there; troops from New Orleans were brought there, and Price and Van Dorn were ordered from Arkansas, but did not arrive soon enough to aid the blow he was ak Grant before he himself was still further strengthened by the 17,000 troops under Van Dorn and Price. Colonel Johnston estimates the Confederate force in the battle at 40,000 and Grant's at 59,000