Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Price or search for Price in all documents.

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d in agriculture: Schedule A. no.articles.quality.Description.Quantity.Price. 1WheatPrimeWhite or redper bushel of 60 lbs$7.50 2Flour, goodfineper barrel er pound, net weight2.75 15horses and mulesfirst-class artillery, &c., average Price per head800.00 16woolfair or merinoWashedper pound8.00 17woolfair or merinoUn the term average value per head is in contradistinction to a fixed and uniform Price for each horse or mule. We supposed that, in impressing a number of horses, oraccording to their worth, up as high as $1,000--thus making an average value or Price for a number of good, sound and efficient horses or mules, $800 each. in ithe taste. But second and interior qualities of Molasses should be reduced in Price from ten to twenty per cent., accordingly as they fall below the standard of fSchedule B.Hire of Labor, teams, wagons and Drivers. No.Labor.Quan'ty and time.Price. 1.Baling long foragePer 100 pounds$0.90 2.Shelling and bagging corn, sacks f
o. From Missouri — the Whereabouts of General Price. The latest accounts from General Pricuis, to the New York Tribune, thus sums up General Price's campaign: The rebel invasion is ab, brigades and regiments, all under command of Price, has incontinently skedaddled — driven ignominvader, it is sickening to record the escape of Price with the bulk of his army and its ten thousandrd-working freeman of Missouri. Probably Price, are this is in the Indian territory; but, frolemen, here that General Thayer will intercept Price's flying column with a force of cavalry and infantry from Fort Scott. If Thayer can hold Price in check, or compel him to make a curve to the webled. Probably many more will follow suit ere Price can congratulate his followers on their safetyby took as many of these men over the river to Price as would go, but not less than three thousand rebel movement is designed to co-operate with Price, or fall upon Steels, should be weaken his for[3 more...]<