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Your search returned 111 results in 35 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Evening session, (search)
The Daily Dispatch: April 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Evening session. (search)
Evening session.
The Convention, in Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Price, of Greenbrier, in the chair,) proceeded to the consideration of amendments to the 8th section, proposed by Mr. Sneffey, of Smythe, and Mr. Campbell, of Washington county, both of which were lost.
Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, proposed a further amendment, by striking out the words "they concede," in the third line, which was adopted.
Mr. Montague, of Middlesex, moved to fill the blank thus created by inserting the words "they acknowledge."
The amendment was lost — yeas 29, nays 90.
Mr. Goode, of Bedford, moved to amend by inserting the words "they assert," in the place of the words "they concede," already stricken out. Rejected, after debate by Messrs. Goode and Baldwin.
Mr. Tare, of Brooke, offered an amendment, which was defeated.
The 8th resolution, as amended by Mr. Summers, was then adopted.
Mr. Montague moved that the Committee rise.
It was, he said, now 5 o'clock, and he
The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], An Anisona jury. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], Jefferson Davis certainly dead. (search)
--The Northern telegraphic accounts from Missouri are altogether unreliable.
We have no idea that our cause there is retrograding, notwithstanding the retreat of McCulloch to Arkansas.
From accounts received by telegraph here, it is evident that both Green and Price are doing good service.
McCulloch's withdrawal is merely temporary and for a good reason, intended to give his next advance increased potency and effect.
General A. S. Johnston will soon add new spirit and efficiency to the operations in Missouri.
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1861., [Electronic resource], The prisoners. (search)