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Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 356 10 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 317 5 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 305 9 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 224 6 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 223 3 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 202 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 172 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 155 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 149 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 132 6 Browse Search
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. its politics. Blair and Lyon. Jackson and Price. camp Jackson. War. battle of Wilson's Cree confronted by less able antagonists. General Sterling Price, subsequently so eminent as a Confeder party took up arms and began to organize, and Price was appointed their commander-in-chief by the arce, and 5,000 or 6,000 Missourians under General Price. McCulloch had command. McCulloch puts h character. Pearce led his Arkansas troops to Price's aid, and McCulloch returned from the defeat it required all of his force to keep it down. Price, after a short delay, moved, with 5,000 men anm, for reasons not necessary to discuss here. Price's expedition was short and brilliant. On the , had made good preparations for defense. But Price attacked his fortifications on the 12th of Sepre he was relieved November 2d. During General Price's operations, General Hardee had assemblede toward combined movements by this force with Price and with Pillow, who became otherwise employed[2 more...]
prevented any movement by the enemy on Pocahontas, by the way of Chalk Bluffs. While it was expected to make the campaign in Tennessee defensive, the intention was to carry on active operations in Missouri by a combined movement of the armies of Price, McCulloch, Hardee, and Pillow, aided by Jeff Thompson's irregular command. It has already been seen that this plan failed through want of cooperation. Both Generals Polk and Pillow felt the pressing necessity for the occupation of Columbus, an yet an able commander should always take into consideration, and be minutely and accurately informed of, the condition, resources, etc., of the country in which he operates. At that time General Johnston contemplated a campaign in Missouri, General Price having taken Lexington about that time, and Fremont being the Federal commander in this State. I accepted the position on his staff with the understanding that I should not be expected to serve on it, except in such a campaign. We both thou
ortune denied him this advantage. Although his military necessities compelled him to withdraw Hardee from Arkansas, General Johnston refused other applications for transfer thence to Kentucky. He was, at this time, encouraged to hope something from Jeff Thompson's activity, which promised fair, but was soon after extinguished by defeat. He ordered Thompson, September 29th, to remove his forces to the vicinity of Farmington, on the route to St. Louis, in order to relieve the pressure on Price; and to keep the field as long as he was able to do so with safety to his command. General Johnston remained at Columbus superintending its fortifications, and directing the movement and organization of troops, until October 12th. Early in October Buckner advised him that the enemy was about to advance against Bowling Green. He replied: Hold on Bowling Green and its surroundings-general Johnston's map. to Bowling Green. Make your stand there. All the troops I can raise will be with
reconnaissance toward Columbus. The object of the expedition was to prevent the enemy from sending out reinforcements to Price's army in Missouri, and also from cutting off columns that I had been directed to send out from this place and Cape Girart point to Columbus, to await orders. The ostensible purpose of this movement was to cut off reinforcements going to General Price, and to pursue Jeff Thompson. There could not have been at this time any serious apprehension of Jeff Thompson, whose band had dissolved; and, as there were no such reinforcements going to Price, the detachment was, in these points of view, futile-as, indeed, was the entire expedition. Oglesby's position and strength might have supported Grant in case of success into an attack, as it was now necessary to be prompt in preventing any further efforts of the rebels either to reinforce Price or to interrupt Oglesby. He still, however, had no intention of remaining at Belmont, which was on low ground, and could
ss the River. deplorable plight of the Confederates. their retreat. the losses. Zollicoffer's body. Slanders on Crittenden. disparity in arms. General Johnston's considerate treatment of Crittenden. Thomas's movements. the movement of the Federal army, which had been frustrated in November, was renewed with better success early in January. General Johnston was now confronted by Halleck in the West, and by Buell in Kentucky. With the exception of the army sent under Curtis against Price in Southwestern Missouri, about 12,000 strong, the whole resources of the Northwest, from Pennsylvania to the Plains, were turned against General Johnston's lines in Kentucky. Halleck, with armies at Cairo and Paducah, under Grant and C. F. Smith, threatened equally Columbus, the key of the Mississippi River, and the water-lines of the Cumberland and Tennessee, with their defenses at Forts Donelson and Henry. Buell's right wing also menaced Donelson and Henry, while his centre was directed
fice, if it would avail aught! The press leveled its shafts at President Davis. One of the most rabid of the fire-eating journals in the South used this language, which is given as a sample: Shall the cause fail because Mr. Davis is incompetent? The people of the Confederacy must answer this plain question at once, or they are lost. Tennessee, under Sidney Johnston, is likely to be lost. Mr. Davis retains him. Van Dorn writes that Missouri must be abandoned unless the claimed of Price are recognized. Mr. Davis will not send in his nomination. A change in the cabinet is demanded instantly, to restore public confidence. Mr. Davis is motionless as a clod. Buell's proclamation to the people of Nashville has disposed the young men, already dissatisfied with Johnston, to lay down their arms, and paved the way to the campaign of invasion in the Mississippi Valley. Mr. Davis remains as cold as ice. The people must know, and feel, and be felt. The Government must be made to mo
tsburg Landing. The War in Missouri. Price and McCulloch. dissensions. Van Dorn put in the contest undecided. After the return of Price's army from the expedition to Lexington, it mozation and preparation. Many motives impelled Price to resume the aggressive. He was flattered wiscus. Dissensions arose between McCulloch and Price, which were eventually settled to the satisfacrdance with the views of Generals Johnston and Price. But these the enemy did not allow him to ca's army had its headquarters, and toward which Price was falling back from Springfield. General for four days on the retreat. Curtis pursued Price to Fayetteville, Arkansas, and then retired to front attack, Van Dorn, by a wide detour, led Price's army to the Federal rear, moving McCulloch areadily reinforced each other. Van Dorn, with Price's corps, encountered Carr's division, which ad the field, to rally, after a wide circuit, on Price's corps. When Van Dorn learned this sad in[2 more...]
neral Grant would have been annihilated, and Buell never could have crossed the river. Had General Johnston survived, the battle would have been pressed vigorously to that consummation. Then, what would have been the situation? The army, remaining upon the banks of the Tennessee for a few days, would have been reorganized and recovered from the exhausting effects of the battle. The slightly wounded, returning to the ranks, would have made the muster-roll full thirty thousand effectives. Price and Van Dorn, coming with about fifteen thousand, and the levies from all quarters which were hastening to Corinth, would have given General Johnston nearly sixty thousand men. Duke then goes on to consider the results, which he concludes must have transferred the seat of war to Kentucky, perhaps to the Northwestern States. Finally, I shall take the liberty of quoting Colonel Jordan in reply to himself ( Life of Forrest, page 134). In giving the deeds of Forrest and his men in the fr
prise you, for I am no longer in my comfortable office in the good city of St. Louis, but one of Price's rebels, camped in this out-of-the-way place, near the Indian nation. As you desire to know evransferred the archives to Boonville, about eighty miles above, on the Missouri River. Ex-Governor Sterling Price was named general in chief of these forces, whenever they could be gathered, and seven; Brevet Major, August twentieth, 1847, and held that rank in the Fourth Infantry when he joined Price in June, 1861. He was immediately appointed Brigadier General by Governor Jackson, and has beenpon that place, in order to crush the rebels the instant they stirred. At this critical moment, Price being sick and unable to attend to business, Colonel Marmaduke took command of our force, if a b making dispositions for our capture, and had full command of the railways, word was sent to General Price at Lexington to hurry along with his recruits, so as to form a junction with Jackson's small
lowed; and last came the hero and patriot, Sterling Price, with his ragged, half-fed, and ill-armed e right of the road, assisted by Pearce, while Price was on the left of it; and thoughtless of danghed up the ground in our front. Yet there old Price, our gallant commander, rode up and down the led in our favor on the right, Lyon was pushing Price with great vigor in the centre and left. Our At length, owing to the success of our right, Price was reenforced both with men and artillery; peansit of any number of troops from St. Louis. Price determined to march forward and attack it, butle these events were transpiring at Lexington, Price received word (September eighteenth) that Gene The Missourians then effected a junction with Price, and instilled new ardor into the whole army. was fast approaching the north ferry landing, Price got up steam on his captured boats, and transp in various regiments. I do not know how long Price will remain here, but, judging from reports an[15 more...]