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orces revealed, to a great extent, both his strength and his purposes to his adversary. While constructing his ferries he sent some troops, on December 2d, and shelled a small force of the enemy posted on the north bank, and compelled it to move. On the 4th he threw over a small cavalry-picket, which drove back the Federal horse, and caused a precipitate retreat of the Seventeenth Ohio, which was advancing on reconnaissance. Next day the pickets wounded and captured Major Helvetti and Captain Prime, engineer-officers, and along with them a corporal. On the 7th and 8th the cavalry crossed Fishing Creek and reconnoitred the Federal camps near Somerset. On the 8th, at Fishing Creek, the cavalry was fired on by Wolford's cavalry and the Thirty-fifth Ohio Infantry, but charged these forces, killing ten and capturing sixteen, inclusive of the wounded. One Confederate was wounded, and two horses killed. On the 11th an expedition sent out by Zollicoffer attacked a small body of Federal
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
me form part of the Fifth Division, and will continue in its present position). One brigade will be in the village, and one near the present station of Richardson's brigade. This division will threaten the Blackburn Ford, and remain in reserve at Centreville. The commander will open fire with artillery only, and will bear in mind that it is a demonstration only he is to make. He will cause such defensive works, abattis and earthworks, to be thrown up as will strengthen his position. Lieutenant Prime, of the Engineers, will be charged with this duty. These movements may lead to the gravest results, and commanders of divisions and brigades should bear in mind the immense consequences involved. There must be no failure, and every effort must be made to prevent straggling. No one must be allowed to leave the ranks without special authority. After completing the movements ordered, the troops must be held in order of battle, as they may be attacked at any moment. By command of Br
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 8: from the battle of Bull Run to Paducah--Kentucky and Missouri. 1861-1862. (search)
hed Louisville the next morning. I found General Anderson quartered at the Louisville Hotel, and he had taken a dwelling house on------Street as an office. Captain O. D. Greene was his adjutant-general, Lieutenant Throckmorton his aide, and Captain Prime, of the Engineer Corps, was on duty with him. General George H. Thomas had been dispatched to camp Dick Robinson, to relieve Nelson. The city was full of all sorts of rumors. The Legislature, moved by considerations purely of a political ll encamped across the river at Jeffersonville; so General Anderson ordered me to go over, and with them, and such Home Guards as we could collect, make the effort to secure possession of Muldraugh's Hill before Buckner could reach it. I took Captain Prime with me, and crossed over to Rousseau's camp. The long-roll was beaten, and within an hour the men, to the number of about one thousand, were marching for the ferry-boat and for the Nashville depot. Meantime General Anderson had sent to col
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 12 (search)
k by reason of the scarcity of water, except in the Mississippi River itself. The weather was intensely hot. The same order that took us to Memphis required me to send the division of General Lew Wallace (then commanded by Brigadier-General A. P. Hovey) to Helena, Arkansas, to report to General Curtis, which was easily accomplished by steamboat. I made my own camp in a vacant lot, near Mr. Moon's house, and gave my chief attention to the construction of Fort Pickering, then in charge of Major Prime, United States Engineers; to perfecting the drill and discipline of the two divisions under my command; and to the administration of civil affairs. At the time when General Halleck was summoned from Corinth to Washington, to succeed McClellan as commander-in-chief, I surely expected of him immediate and important results. The Army of the Ohio was at the time marching toward Chattanooga, and was strung from Eastport by Huntsville to Bridgeport, under the command of General Buell. In l
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 13 (search)
is progressing well, Captain Jenney having arrived. Sixteen heavy guns are received, with a large amount of shot and shell, but the platforms are not yet ready; still, if occasion should arise for dispatch, I can put a larger force to work. Captain Prime, when here, advised that the work should proceed regularly under the proper engineer officers and laborers. I am, etc., W. T. Sherman, Major-General commanding. headquarters Fifth division, Memphis, Tennessee, September 4, 1862. Colonel Vicksburg have been lying before Memphis for two days, but are now steaming up to resume their voyage. Our fort progresses well, but our guns are not yet mounted. The engineers are now shaping the banquette to receive platforms. I expect Captain Prime from Corinth in two or three days. I am, with great respect, yours, W. T. Sherman, Major-General commanding. headquarters Fifth division, Memphis, Tennessee, September 21, 1862. Editor Bulletin. sir: Your comments on the recent orders
ine of works was too strong to be carried without heavy loss, he directed his attention to opening the canal, which had been commenced the year before by General Williams, across the peninsula, on the west bank of the river. This canal had been improperly located, its upper terminus being in an eddy, and the lower terminus being exposed to the enemy's guns. Nevertheless, it was thought that it could be completed sooner than a new one could be constructed. While working parties under Captain Prime, Chief Engineer of that army, were diligently employed on this canal,. General Grant directed his attention to several other projects for turning the enemy's position. These are fully described in his official report. The canal proving impracticable, his other plans being unsuccessful, he determined to move this army by land down the west bank, some seventy miles, while transports for crossing should run past the enemy's batteries at Vicksburgh, the danger of running the batteries be
ed therein, and the lieutenant visited the editorial and composing-rooms. He made no arrests but directed a cessation of business, and took possession of the premises. The office of the Journal of Commerce was seized by a detachment of twelve men of the Reserve Corps, under command of Captain Candy, about nine o'clock in the evening. A reporter was informed that Mr. Hallock, one of the proprietors, was arrested at the office, and that officers were despatched to effect the arrest of Messrs. Prime and Stone, the other members of firm. The office of the Journal was closed and work was stopped in the composing-room, but the printing of the weekly was allowed to go on, as it does not contain the forged proclamation. It is stated by the assistant-foreman of the Journal that the copy of the bogus proclamation was handed into the office about a quarter past three o'clock yesterday morning, when only four men were in the composing-room. The copy was cut into slips without being read
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 13: Vicksburg campaign (search)
. They show that he shared Grant's hope that one of the cut-off lines might be used for getting the troops to New Carthage. He reported the actual length of canal and bayou navigation as thirty-seven miles, and that the river men, as well as Captain Prime, the chief engineer, were confident that it would be practicable for the lighter transports. He added that General Sherman thought there world be no difficulty in opening the passage, but the line would be a precarious one after the army had to the incompetency of McClernand, and indicated that as soon as Sherman's troops arrive the general advance would begin. On the 8th he wrote from Rocky Springs, giving the changes in the station of the troops, and making the statement that Colonel Prime, the chief engineer, had reported the final failure of the shorter road across the peninsula in front of Vicksburg. On the 10th he reported from Rocky Springs that the forward movement was progressing favorably in the general direction of th
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Index (search)
gn life of General Scott, 123. Piney Branch Church, 317. Platt, Senator, 458. Poems, 53-56. Poe, poet, 47, 53, 157. Poland, 81. Pope, General, 366. Port Gibson, 211, 219, 220. Porter, Admiral, 207, 209, 210, 411. Porter, Horace, 263-265, 279, 281, 285, 325, 331, 362. Port Hudson, 209, 212, 233. Port Royal, 120, 194. Post, New York, 180. Post-office at Washington, sketch of, 156. Post-tradership scandal, 441 442. Potomac River, 249, 337, 341. Prague, 8-. Prime, Captain, chief engineer, 208. Pritchard, Colonel, 364. Prohibition, 101. Protective Tariff, 102, 105-108, 110, 463. Proudhon, 67-70, 95. Prussia, 81, 85. Prussian revolution, 84. Q. Quinby, General, 246. R. Randall, Samuel J., 463, 482, 483. Ransom, General, 246. Railroad transportation, 353. Rappahannock River, 317, 318, 328. Raspail, 77, 86. Rawlins, General, preface, 5, 192, 197, 201, 207, 211, 220, 232, 240-2142, 250-252, 266, 278, 281, 285, 297, 298, 302,
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 5: travel 1843-1844; aet. 24-25 (search)
d, an earnest face, a glowing eye.... Furthermore, we have walked into the affections of the Hon. Basil Montagu, and Mrs. Basil--furthermore, Annie and I did went alone to a rout at Mrs. Sydney Smith's, and were announced, Mrs. 'Owe hand Miss Vord --did not know a soul, Annie frightened, I bored — got hold of some good people — made friends, drank execrable tea, finished the evening by a crack with Sir Sydney himself, and came off victorious, that is to say alive. Sir S. very like old Mrs. Prime, three chins, and such a corporosity!... Saturday, June 2nd. We have been too busy to write. We dined on Wednesday with Kenyon — present Dickens's wife, Fellows, Milnes and some others — Milnes a pert little prig, but pleasant. A propos, when he came to call upon us, our girl announced him as Mr. Miller --our conversation ran upon literature, and I had the exquisite discrimination to tell him that except Wordsworth, there were no great poets in England now. Fortunately he soon took h