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Valley in the afternoon, and our cavalry encamping there, General Stuart and I rode over to the headquarters of Brigadier-General Pryor, who commanded the left wing of McLaws's division nearest to Harper's Ferry. General Pryor was just starting on General Pryor was just starting on a little reconnaissance, and we very readily accepted his invitation to bear him company. A proper degree of caution compelled us to go on foot. Creeping through the tall grass, we climbed the mountain occupied by our farthest outpost, from the su a later hour of the evening Stuart rode off to the headquarters of General McLaws, leaving me to await his return as General Pryor's guest at dinner. Among General Pryor's orderlies there was a handsome young fellow of about fourteen years of age General Pryor's orderlies there was a handsome young fellow of about fourteen years of age who greatly interested me. He was a midshipman in the navy, who, making a visit to our lines at this exciting period, had volunteered his services, and had behaved on several occasions, as I was informed, with great gallantry. He was now galloping
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
the Army of Northern Virginia or the Army of the Potomac. The movements of the Southern general had been delayed because he did not desire to risk the detachment of too many troops from Richmond lines until he had a reasonable confidence that McClellan's offensive operations were at an end. Four days after Jackson's fight he determined to transfer the theater of action to Pope's front, and accordingly ordered Major-General Longstreet, with ten brigades, commanded by Kemper, Jenkins, Wilcox, Pryor, Featherstone, D. R. Jones, Toombs, Drayton, and Evans, to Gordonsville, and on the same day Hood, with his own and Whiting's brigades, was sent to the same place. Two days afterward-namely, August 15th-General Lee proceeded in person to join Longstreet and Jackson. He was distressed at being deprived of the services of Richmond, his cheval de bataille, in the approaching campaign. His favorite riding mare was a sorrel called Grace Darling. When the war began he had her sent down from Ar
ng like the reanimation of the whole man, physical and mental. The hospitals are now supplied with this life-giving beverage, and all have it who absolutely require it, though great care is taken of it, for the supply is limited. Oh, how cruel it is that the Northern Government should have made medicines, and the necessaries of life to the sick and wounded, contraband articles! February 12th, 1863. We have lately had a little fight on the Blackwater. The Yankees intended to take General Pryor by surprise, but he was wide awake, and ready to receive and repulse them handsomely. The late democratic majorities at the North seem to have given the people courage; denunciations are heard against the despotism of the Government. Gold has gone up to 160, causing a ferment. Oh that they would bite and devour one another! Since I have been so occupied in nursing B. I have not had as much time for the hospital, but go when I can. A few days ago, on going there in the morning, I foun
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 26: the gun-boats in the James River-battle of seven Pines. (search)
o o'clock, and our skirmishers soon became engaged with those of the enemy. The entire division of General Hill became engaged about three o'clock, and drove the enemy back, gaining possession of his abatis and part of his intrenched camp, General Rodes, by a movement to the right, driving in the enemy's left. The only reinforcements on the field, in hand, were my own brigades, of which Anderson's, Wilcox's, and Kemper's were put in by the front on the Williamsburg road, and Colston's and Pryor's by my right flank. At the same time the decided and gallant attack made by the other brigades gained entire possession of the enemy's position, with his artillery, campequipage, etc. Anderson's brigade, under Colonel Jenkins, pressing forward rapidly, continued to drive the enemy till nightfall. The conduct of the attack was left entirely to Major-General Hill. The entire success of the affair is sufficient evidence of his ability, courage, and skill. In reference to the failure of
e up at their leisure. After going some 4 miles we came up with the enemy. I gave orders to Lieut. R. S. Chambers, of Second Ohio Regiment, to take some men and deploy on the right of the road as skirmishers. We steadily drove them ahead for some time, when they were heavily re-enforced, and a cessation of firing from both sides took place. I then took up as good a position as I could in the road and along the fence, assisted by Adjutant Neal, Eighteenth; Lieutenant Leonard, Second; Lieutenant Pryor, Twenty-first, and Lieutenant Dyal, of Second Ohio, still keeping Lieutenant Chambers with his squad deployed as skirmishers. I soon found that the enemy was flanking me on both sides with large numbers of cavalry, and opened fire upon them, which they briskly returned, and the balls fell thick and fast among us, but all seemed perfectly cool, and both officers and men exhibited personal bravery which was hardly to be expected from men who with but few exceptions never stood under fire
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
This loss occurred in the two actions at Gaines's Mill and Glendale.Seven Days Longstreet's 1,250 136 638 13 62.9 Pryor's This loss occurred in the two actions at Gaines's Mill and Glendale.Seven Days Longstreet's 1,400 170 681 11 61.5 reet's 17 23 73 113 7th Virginia Kemper's Longstreet's 14 66 31 111 14th Alabama Includes loss at Gaines's Mill. Pryor's Longstreet's 71 253 11 335 19th Mississippi Includes loss at Gaines's Mill. Featherston's Longstreet's 58 264 3 325 14th Louisiana Includes loss at Gaines's Mill. Pryor's Longstreet's 51 192 -- 243 12th Mississippi Includes loss at Gaines's Mill. Featherston's Longstreet's 34 186 5 225 Malvern Hill, Va.             July 1, 1862.             rth Carolina Branch's A. P. Hill's 19 130 -- 149 37th North Carolina Branch's A. P. Hill's 27 111 -- 138 2d Florida Pryor's Longstreet's 23 114 -- 137 Cedar Mountain, Va.             August 9, 1862.             21st V
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
y near and beyond Fort Magruder, made his dispositions with prompt skill and courage, and quickly drove the Federal troops from the field, taking a piece of artillery. At sunset a rearguard of two brigades of Longstreet's division-Anderson's and Pryor's, commanded by General Anderson-occupied Fort Magruder and four of the little redoubts on its right, and two of those on the left. At daybreak on the 5th, Smith's division and the baggage-train marched in a heavy rain and deep mud. An hour o a thousand yards to the right of Fort Magruder, placed Wilcox's brigade before it; being further reinforced by A. P. Hill's and Pickett's brigades, he determined to attack the Federal division, and formed the newly-arrived brigades and a part of Pryor's from the redoubts in rear, on Wilcox's right, and ordered all to advance. This was done with such regularity and vigor that the Federal troops were driven back, after a spirited contest of several hours, into the open fields in rear, west and
er Miles, and other rebel officers, apparently reckoning up the result of the day's battle. Porcher Miles approached Mr. Ely, and expressed regret at his situation, but in a moment changed his tone, remarking that he had no opinion of Congressmen who would come to aid an army in invading a State. Mr. Ely was sent off to sleep in a barn, where he found the captured National officers. The next day they were all started to Richmond. The morning after their arrival there Messrs. Bocock and Pryor, of Virginia, and Keitt and Boyce, of South Carolina, called upon Mr. Ely and stated that they should use their influence to secure his release. They made an application for this purpose to Jeff. Davis, who called a meeting of his Cabinet and the result was a consultation of several hours. The Cabinet generally favored Mr. Ely's release, but Davis, Benjamin, and Hunter were opposed to it, on grounds of public policy, and Walker, the Secretary of War, sent an elaborate communication stating
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
of a disciplinarian. We had a pleasant ride across the plain which lies between the seashore and Los Angeles, which we reached in about three hours, the infantry following on foot. We found Colonel P. St. George Cooke living at the house of a Mr. Pryor, and the company of dragoons, with A. J. Smith, Davidson, Stoneman, and Dr. Griffin, quartered in an adobe-house close by. Fremont held his court in the only two-story frame-house in the place. After some time spent at Pryor's house, General general was, when he remarked that if I would wait a moment he would go along. Of course I waited, and he soon joined me, dressed much as a Californian, with the peculiar high, broad-brimmed hat, with a fancy cord, and we walked together back to Pryor's, where I left him with General Kearney. We spent several days very pleasantly at Los Angeles, then, as now, the chief pueblo of the south, famous for its grapes, fruits, and wines. There was a hill close to the town, from which we had a perfe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Second battle of Manassas--a reply to General Longstreet. (search)
e which was then going on, at the same time offering me Major-General Anderson's division. The Commanding-General soon joined me, and a few minutes after Major-General Anderson arrived with his division. The attack was led by Hood's brigades, closely supported by Evans. These were rapidly reinforced by Anderson's division from the rear, Kemper's three brigades, and D. R. Jones' division from the right, and Wilcox's brigade from the left. The brigades of Brigadier-Generals Featherston and Pryor became detached, and operated with a portion of General Jackson's command. The attacking columns moved steadily forward, driving the enemy from his different positions as rapidly as he took them. We see that in this extract from his official report he does not claim so much. Instead of several batteries, he here mentions only two. Both of these batteries were ordered up after his joining Hood and Evans, and in the crisis of the assault. One was soon at work, and, according to his repo
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