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Your search returned 36 results in 16 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], The great fraud. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: may 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], Grand Jury Presentments. (search)
Grand Jury Presentments.
--The Hustings Court Grand Jury yesterday presented Mr. C. W. Purcell in two cases for "carrying on banking contrary to law." [Mr. P. is President of the Southern Manufacturers' Bank.]--The Grand Jury refused to find a true bill against Ebon Irving, for misdemeanor, and he was discharged
Hustings Court.
--This Court held a brief session yesterday and then adjourned for the term.
In the case of Caroline Carr and Caroline Cafes, a capias was awarded.
A summons was issued in two cases against C. W. Purcell, presented for unlawful banking.
Jas. Edward Carter was sent on to be tried before Judge Lyons, for forging Lawrence S. Marye's name.
George D. Harwood was fined $10 and costs, for allowing his slave Edward to go at large.
F. Morgan, indicted for raising a disturbance, gave surety for his appearance;--a capias was awarded against James Howard, also implicated in the affair.
The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], Proclamation of General Dix to the people of Accomac and Northampton counties . (search)
C. S. District Court.
--The case of the Confederate States against C. W. Purcell and others, to sequestrate the sum of $15,000 due by the defendant to Ashmead and others, alien enemies, occupied the attention of the Court on Saturday.
Mr. Aylett, District Attorney, delivered his opening speech in behalf of the Government, and the further hearing of the case was postponed until 11 o'clock this morning.
Confederate States against Richard G. Morriss, to sequestrate the property of an alien enemy.
An order was entered referring the case to Commissioner Watson to take proof.
The matter involved in this case is a certain note alleged to be due by the defendant to C. M. Fry & Co.
Robert Ould and James Lyons have qualified to practice law in this Court.
C. S. District Court.
--The case of the Confederate States against C. W. Purcell and others, to sequestrate the sum of $15,000, due by the defendants to Ashmead and others, alien enemies, was under consideration yesterday.
The argument was continued by Mr. Gilmer for the defendants, and concluded by Mr. Aylett, for the Government.
Decision to be rendered hereafter.
The Court adjourned over to Monday next.
The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1862., [Electronic resource], Late Southern intelligence. (search)
Aid to the 35th Va. Regiment.
In addition to the amounts heretofore acknowledged subscribed in behalf of this regiment, whose homes are now in the hands of the enemy, the following additional sums have been received by Mr. J. L. Reeve, the Treasurer of the fund, at Messrs. Yancey & Harrison's. The total amount received up to this time is $1,445.82:
Jas. Thomas, Jr., $10; Eliott & Drewry, $35; C. T. Worthem & Co., $10; J. M. Taylor & Son, $10; I. & G. B. Davenport, $10; C. W. Purcell, $10; Nicholas Mills, $15; Mrs. Bettle C. Jones, $2; N. A. Thompson, $2; Cash, $5; R. T. Hubard, Jr., $17; Cash, $10.
The Daily Dispatch: February 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], Sale of property. (search)
Sale of property.
--The granite front brick tenement adjoining the banking house of Purcell & Co., on Main street was sold at public auction yesterday, by Goddin & Apperson, for $14,000 --Alvey & Lipscomb purchasers.
The terms were one-fourth cash, the balance at six, twelve and eighteen months, for negotiable notes, interest added.
Persons familiar with the property consider it a remarkably good sale.
The Daily Dispatch: March 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], Evening session. (search)