Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for C. W. Purcell or search for C. W. Purcell in all documents.

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the Senate adjourned. Evening Session.--The Senate met at 8 o'clock, and passed the following bills: Bill amending the Code so as to increase the compassion of Clerks of Courts for public services; bill to authorize the sale by the County Court of the public school houses and the lots there to attached in the county of Henry; bill to incorporate the Confederate Honing Company of Scottsville Va. Mr. Brannon off red a joint resolution in relation to the imaing of coupon bends to C. W. Purcell & Co. and R. H Maury & Co, of Richmond, which was laid over under the rules. Mr. Armstrong offered a joint resolution looking to the extension of the session of the General Assembly until the — day of this month, unless the public business be sooner dispatched. Laid over until Thursday. The tax bill was taken up, and was under discussion when the body adjourned. House of Delegates--The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Roid, of the Presbyterian church.