father lived.
Mr. Francis's place on the board was filled by Henry Putnam, who, according to Wyman, was a new-comer from Danvers, and of the town's money yearly.
Wyman is doubtless in error when he says Mr. Putnam was teaching without the Neck in 1760.
During these same ten y760, and the third for the remaining five years, when, along with Mr. Putnam, he disappeared from the board.
Among many entries at this tim; £ 24.
May, 1755, and May, 1756, Samuel Kent, Joseph Phipps, Henry Putnam (same amounts).
May 10, 1757, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, JameHenry Putnam, James Fosdick (same amounts).
May, 1758, and May, 1759, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, Captain John Hancock (same amounts).
May, 1760, ‘61, ‘62,Henry Putnam, Captain John Hancock (same amounts).
May, 1760, ‘61, ‘62, ‘63, ‘64, Samuel Kent, Henry Putnam, Joseph Lamson; £ 180; £ 25 6s 8d.
May, 1765, ‘66, ‘67, Isaac Mallet, Samuel Kent, Walter Russell; £ 1Henry Putnam, Joseph Lamson; £ 180; £ 25 6s 8d.
May, 1765, ‘66, ‘67, Isaac Mallet, Samuel Kent, Walter Russell; £ 180; £ 34 10s.
May, 1768, ‘69, ‘70, Samuel Kent, John Lamson, Walter Russell (same amounts).
May, 1771, and May,
ine Street, Somerville, 7.
Plains of Moab, 44.
Plymouth Plantation, 77.
Polly's Swamp, 7, 11.
Ponchartrain, Lake, 50.
Pool, Lot, 90.
Port Hudson, 53, 54.
Port Royal (Hilton Head), 34.
Pound Lot, 99.
Powder House, 7, 16, 98.
Powers, Thomas, 85, 87.
Prentiss, I., 73, 92.
Prospect Hill, 6, 7, 8, 15.
Prospect Hill Schoolhouse, 47.
Prospect Street, Somerville, 7, 47.
Providence, R. I., 1.
Putnam, Aaron, 42, 63, 66.
Putnam, Aaron, Esq., 40, 42, 65.
Putnam, Henry, 15, 21.
Putnam, Israel, 15.
Radnor, Wales, 86.
Rand, Hannah, 85.
Rand, John, 84.
Rand, Jonathan, 84.
Rand, Mary. 39, 82.
Rand, Mr., 83.
Rand's Woods, 7, 12.
Raymond, Daniel, 45.
Rea, Mrs., 91, 93, 95, 96.
Red River, 55.
Reed, Daniel, 17.
Reed, Captain, Daniel, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71, 72,
Reed, Mary (Converse), 17.
Remington, Miss, Charlotte, 91.
Remington,, Miss Julia, 91.
Republican, National Convention, 2.
Revolution, The, 23.
Reynolds, Joseph. 96, 97.