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along the Spring River, in Jasper County, against the guerillas, had a lively contest a few days ago with Livingston's band, and in the affair, had half a dozen of his men captured. The loss sustained by the enemy, if any, I have been unable to ascertain, as Captain Conkey receives his orders from the commanding officer at Fort Scott. Livingston, we understand, is commissioned by and acting under regular orders from the rebel authorities, and is not accused of killing his prisoners like Quantrell, whose operations are confined chiefly to Jackson and Cass counties, and with whom we had a number of skirmishes last May. But Livingston attacks our supply trains, and his numerous predatory actions about unprotected points have given him considerable prominence during the last year. Whenever our troops come upon him with equal, or perhaps; somewhat superior numbers, he never stands, but soon scatters his men in small squads, permitting them sometimes to return to their homes for a few
The less loyalty we have of this kind the better off we shall be. Information has just reached here from Kansas City that the Government sent out from that place, on the 2nd instant, a large train for new Mexico; and as it was thought that Quantrell, with his guerrilla force, would attack it about the time it would cross over into Kansas, Captain Harvey, of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, with a detachment of forty men, was ordered in the direction from which it was believed that the enemy would As Captain Coleman had a much larger force than Captain Harvey, the latter retreated, and perhaps got the worst of the affair. He had several men wounded, and was himself run over and trampled under the horses' feet and seriously injured. As Quantrell's men don the Federal uniform whenever it suits their purpose, our troops in Jackson and Cass counties, Missouri, do not always know when they are meeting the enemy until he has delivered his fire. With all the activity that our troops have di
f the gathering of the guerrilla bands under Quantrell north of us, and everything has been unusualens killed, by about three hundred men under Quantrell, at day-break on the morning of the 21st inser citizens, and made an effort to intercept Quantrell on his return. A few miles north of Paola oleman sent a messenger to warn Lawrence that Quantrell had passed into Kansas, and might be moving tia cavalry, commenced a vigorous pursuit of Quantrell soon after he crossed into Missouri, and ovenemy, and killed a number of his men. As Quantrell's men have so often threatened the destructi active operations as Lawrence. Now that Quantrell has committed his fiendish act and escaped dke gold rings from the fingers of ladies, as Quantrell's men did. But there is a phase of the discuth. The men are believed to be a portion of Quantrell's command who participated in the Lawrence mout the Union families knowing it. Since Quantrell's raid on Lawrence, and the agitations of ir[5 more...]
holds that he is exceedingly stupid or careless of his duty, to permit such a large force as Quantrell had to organize in the center of his Department, and march forty miles into Kansas without being pursued by our troops. Unless he can completely destroy Quantrell's force immediately, which is now perhaps an impossibility, the people of this State will petition President Lincoln to remove hif a mob of citizens from this State invading Missouri for the purpose of avenging the crime of Quantrell at Lawrence, has seemed to me wild from the beginning. I may remark, however, that there is aost on the 13th, will go to Fort Smith via Fort Gibson. Since the Lawrence massacre has given Quantrell the reputation of possessing a bold and daring spirit, it is thought that he may venture to atational life. Captain Coleman, Ninth Kansas Cavalry, had a lively skirmish with a party of Quantrell's men on the 17th instant, killing three of the guerrillas and wounding several others. He al
on Fort Scott General Blunt's escort attacked by Quantrell near Baxter Springs, and nearly all killed Colonehad been attacked near that place by a force under Quantrell, about live hundred strong, and that nearly all hiBetween four and five o'clock Monday, 5th instant, Quantrell with three hundred men, and an officer belonging t perhaps nearly two miles distant on the prairie. Quantrell was quickly informed, and immediately abandoned thy were the troops from Baxter Springs. As soon as Quantrell was informed of the approach of General Blunt's esy have been counted while passing over the ridge. Quantrell therefore knew that there was less than two companhout expressions of dissatisfaction on the part of Quantrell's men. Our loss in the affair already foots up eigeen his duty to have attacked him in the rear. Quantrell took General Blunt's carriage with him, and marche who have just arrived from Fort Gibson state that Quantrell's force crossed the Arkansas River about a week ag
few days, and their delivery along the route commence in a week or so. This line is much needed in directing the military operations of this department. Though the rebels may endeavor to destroy portions of it occasionally, it is thought that a small cavalry patrol can protect it quite effectually. It is sure to prove a great assistance to commanding officers along the border, in operating against guerrilla forces when they become troublesome again. Had this line been in operation when Quantrell made his raid on Lawrence last August, troops and citizens might have been collected, and directed to take up such positions as would have made his escape almost impossible. In the next place, had the line been III operation, he probably never would have made the raid. Even if the Government had not taken the matter up, it would have been a good investment for the citizens of Kansas to have taken hold of and completed at an early day. The business which the people of this section will wi
snow storm removal of General Schofield probable Quantrell's forces cross the Arkansas River near Fort Gibsonge guns at Fort Scott the Missouri militia defeat Quantrell a large rebel force in Southwest Missouri it is and along the Arkansas line. They also state that Quantrell's force is believed, to be en route to Jackson coues north and south of it. It is now known that Quantrell's force, after it was attacked and dispersed by Co a raid into Southern Kansas. It is reported that Quantrell has threatened to visit this State before he goes at State of Maryland, one of our oldest States, as Quantrell was, with fair advantages, should head a band of fsixty miles, without resistance. The main body of Quantrell's men is reported to be with Coffey, though some dis at Kansas City, adjacent to the region in which Quantrell has been operating since the war. We may thereforey free of guerrillas; and the forces of Coffey and Quantrell are now doubtless sullenly retiring beyond the mou
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
Gen. Winder and Judge Campbell are busy signing passports-one granted by the latter yesterday (recorded) also allows the bearer to take with him 2000 pounds tobacco! A letter was received to-day from the President, ordering certain concessions to Governor Brown, relating to exemptions and details. Letters have been received justifying the belief (notwithstanding the forebodings of Lieut.-Gen. E. K. Smith) that we have taken Little Rock, Ark., again. This is Price's work; also that Quantrell and other bold raiders in Missouri have collected some thousands of desperate men, and killed several regiments of the enemy. They have burned a number of towns (Union), and taken the large town of Boonville. These are the men against whom Kansas Abolitionists have sworn vengeance — no quarter is to be granted them. I suspect they are granting no quarter! Yesterday I saw a Captain Commissary on Broad Street give his dog a piece of beef for which I would have given a dollar. Many l
ted expressing thanks to President Lincoln and Secretary Seward for their sagacity and wisdom in managing our domestic and foreign affairs, and appealing to Gov. Pierpont to order an early election for county officers. The Senate of Massachusetts to-day unanimously passed resolutions eulogizing Lieut.-Col. Merritt, Adjutant Stearns, and other lamented men of Massachusetts, who fell at the battle of Newbern. A skirmish occurred between a detachment of the Sixth Kansas regiment and Quantrell's band, near Independence, Mo. The latter were routed with seven killed. The Unionists lost one killed, and captured eleven prisoners and twenty horses. The rebels killed two of the Unionists, and burned the bridge over the Little Blue River. A scouting party from the New York Sixty-first regiment, while passing down the railroad from Manassas toward Warrenton, Va., were fired upon by a party of cavalry, supposed to belong to Stuart's regiment. Upon making a demonstration toward the
cipated from the service of masters who allowed them to aid in their efforts to break up the Government and the laws of our country.--National Intelligencer, April 3. A spirited skirmish took place at the town of Warrensburgh, Mo., between Quantrell's guerrilla followers and a detachment of Col. Phillips's Missouri regiment, under the command of Major Emery Foster. Quantrell unexpectedly approached the town with two hundred men, and made a furious attack on the Union troops, who were onlyQuantrell unexpectedly approached the town with two hundred men, and made a furious attack on the Union troops, who were only sixty in number. The latter made a gallant defence, and having the protection of a thick plank fence around their position, they succeeded, after an obstinate conflict, in repulsing the guerrillas, and driving them beyond the limits of the town. In the action Major Emery Foster, in command, and Capt. Foster, his brother, were wounded, one private was killed, one mortally wounded, since dead, and nine non-commissioned officers and privates were wounded. The rebels sustained a loss of nine me
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