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as bought for $20 per acre two years ago, sold at $15.--Some of our people are very much troubled to know that they are not worth more than two-thirds as much as the Commissioner of the Revenue put them down for last spring. Money is so scarce that wealthy men are nearly as destitute of it as beggars. If any one owes you anything, it is folly to hope to collect it in money. There has lately been some interest in religious matters in this county. At Berea and Mechanicsville some twenty persons have been added to the Baptist churches. I saw Dr. C. R. Dickinson baptize seven young men last Saturday, and Dr. Quarles expects to baptize ten young ladies next Sunday. There are five preachers in this county who were formerly physicians. I incline to think that it would be well if in other counties some of those who are physicking the body were prepared to enter this sacred calling. Several families from this county are removing to Texas, hoping to better their condition.
$20 reward. --Ran away on Saturday, the 3d inst., from the employment of Dr. John B. Eastham, of Louisa county, a Negro man, named Ralph, belonging to the estate of Jesse Perkins, dec'd. Ralph is about twenty-two years of age black, about five feet five inches high; one of his front teeth is out, and the rest are very broad and white. No peculiar mark about him is remembered, but we think he has a scar between his forefinger and thumb on one of his hands — can't say which. He, it is said, can write a good hand, and is probably making his way to a free State.--The above reward will be paid for his apprehension in the State and delivery to us, or being placed in a jail so that we get him; or, if taken out of the State and delivered to us, or placed in a jail in this State, so that we get him, a reward of $100 will be paid. Wm Crawford, John R. Quarles, Frank T. West, Ex'ors of Jesse Perkins, dec'd. Trevillian's Depot, Louisa co., no 14--ts Nov. 12th 1860. no 14--ts