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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Hood's second sortie at Atlanta. (search)
In another letter, General Adams, in answer to specific inquiries, says that his line, at the beginning of this movement, rested its left on the railroad; but during the movement it left a space between its left and the railroad, owing to the slight divergence of the road., No other troops advanced before, with, or behind his line over the space covered by his brigade. He does not speak of any simultaneous movement on his left. Lieutenants Thomas H. Times and William Pitman, and privates John Quigley and William E. McCreary, of the 81st Ohio (Mersy's brigade), have written me in corroboration of General Adams. Captain Edward Jonas, of General Dodge's staff, has written to the same effect in a letter which I have read.--W. H. C. No doubt the peculiar circumstances mentioned already, of the change in commanders of General Morgan L. Smith's division, gave rise to misleading accounts concerning the recovery of this battery. Shortly after the line was retaken, General Lightburn'
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Goochland Light Dragoons. (search)
Cannon's Wharf and captured, Charles Lacy, W. F. Lewis, R. J. Saving, Hiter Loving, died 1862, John Laddin, killed near Lee Town, Mike McPhalin, John C. Miller, discharged 1862, Chastine Miller, killed at Williamsburg, Va., Joseph H. Malory, wounded at Five Forks and captured, William Morris, Samuel Mosby, Richard Messenger, Polk Nuckols, P. O. Nuckols, W. H. Parrish, B. F. Parrish, Napoleon B. Perkins, Morton Payne, William Pleasants, Alonzo Pleasants, John Pleasants, dead, John Palmore, John Quigley, dead, N. M. Ragland, dead, John C. Ragland, John W. Randolph,—— Ring, Marcellas Shelton, killed at Lee Town, Va., E. Newell Sims, dead; Thomas J. Sims, wounded at Wilderness,——Savage, Tomolin Price, R. A. Trice (Louisa Dick), William J. Trice, dead, Robert H. Trice,——Terrill, Ben Trice, dead, N. S. Thurman, last heard of in Kentucky, William Fourman, John Talley, Philip Taylor, Charles Webster, residence unknown, William James Wright, Richard A. Wise, Isaac Williams and Robert F. Va
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of Jane Claudia Johnson. (search)
. James Foster; substitute. Richard Missenger; transferred from. ——Terrell; transferred from. P. O. Nichol; transferred from. ——Webster; substitute. ——Scott; transferred from. Julien Armstrong; recruit. Philip Taylor; recruit. Powhatan Ayres; transferred. John Talley; transferred from Guy's Battery. John Palmore; transferred from Leak's Battery. John W. Randolph. Nat Ragland; recruit (dead). R. J. Loving; recruit. Hiter Loving; recruit (dead). John Quigley; substitute (dead). Mike McPhalin; substitute (Tiger). John Pleasants; transferred from Guy's Battery. Mathew Lloyd, Jr.; recruit. Pat Brannon; substitute (killed Cedar Run in Valley). W. H. Jennings; transferred from Leak's Battery. Obadiah Johnson; recruit. Reverdy Johnson; recruit. Carter Johnson; recruit. Charles Lacy; recruit. John Eades; recruit. John Black; recruit. W. H. Parrish. Richard Trice (Pottsville). George W. Fleming. Napoleon
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
. James Foster; substitute. Richard Missenger; transferred from. ——Terrell; transferred from. P. O. Nichol; transferred from. ——Webster; substitute. ——Scott; transferred from. Julien Armstrong; recruit. Philip Taylor; recruit. Powhatan Ayres; transferred. John Talley; transferred from Guy's Battery. John Palmore; transferred from Leak's Battery. John W. Randolph. Nat Ragland; recruit (dead). R. J. Loving; recruit. Hiter Loving; recruit (dead). John Quigley; substitute (dead). Mike McPhalin; substitute (Tiger). John Pleasants; transferred from Guy's Battery. Mathew Lloyd, Jr.; recruit. Pat Brannon; substitute (killed Cedar Run in Valley). W. H. Jennings; transferred from Leak's Battery. Obadiah Johnson; recruit. Reverdy Johnson; recruit. Carter Johnson; recruit. Charles Lacy; recruit. John Eades; recruit. John Black; recruit. W. H. Parrish. Richard Trice (Pottsville). George W. Fleming. Napoleon
The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], List of casualties in Wickham's cavalry brigade. (search)
privates Mason Marshall, 1st Va cav, C Gill, Price, Bebbler, Hawkins, W T Phelps, 2d Va cav; J B Boyd, C C Wimbish, J R Bracey, R C Shields W Tuggle, F L Elliott, B H Bagsdale, 3d Va cav; Sergt R C Towles, mortally, privates T P Ellicott, Jos Davis, L C Pridmore, Thos Sparrow, T H Aylor, W Snith, T Clatterbuck, J A Banbecker, W S Robertson, J L Henderson. J C Cooke, Corpis P H Leadbatter and C R Wingfield, privates W J Binford, M A Waldrop, R W Luous, R A Hart, H Helm. Va cav. Missing: John Quigley, G W Fleming, D F Waldrop, J M Ficklin, 4th Va. c. June 12th--Near Trevillian's Depot — Killed: Privates Darby, 2d Va cav. W C Moseley, Lt B J Hill, 3d Va cav; W B Abraham, 4th Va cav. Wounded, Pvtes King, Lipscomb, Sergt Harris, Pvtes Kelley, J J Conner, Capt Whitehead, Pvtes Watts and Bayton, 2d Va cav; Pvtes Dabney, P F Jones, R T Armintead, W L Rogers, J H Ware, Sergt W B Foster, W M Folkes, J S Hardaway; Thos Fowier, C S Clarke, W L Gathrie, W M Hill, Corp'l Young, Pvtes Harriso