Browsing named entities in Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Rains or search for Rains in all documents.

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John Brown raid, made his escape. Colonel Totten, with a large force of infantry and artillery, went in pursuit of Jackson, but on receipt of exaggerated reports of the latter's strength, abandoned the movement. Jackson rested at Warsaw a few days, and proceeded to Montevallo, where he expected to meet General Price from Lexington. Price, still suffering from the effects of his sickness, formed a junction with Jackson, July 3d, in Cedar county, where his men were organized under Brigadier-Generals Rains, Slack and Clark, making up a total force of 3,600, of whom 600 were wholly unarmed. Here General Price learned that Lyon, with an equal number of well-armed troops, had started in pursuit of his army, and that 3,000 more under Sigel had been sent by rail to Rolla to intercept him. On the 5th of July, the Missourians found themselves confronted by Sigel, six miles from Carthage, and a battle ensued in which Sigel was defeated and compelled to retreat to Sarcoxie. Gen. Ben McCull
ansas batteries and Bledsoe's Missouri. battery, overlooking the valley in which Price lay. General Rains had a large number of mounted men on the east of Wilson's creek, north of the road, and nearest to Springfield. Down the creek from Rains to Churchill and Greer the distance was three miles. As has been stated, the Confederate forces were in bivouac awaiting their postponed order to march ow Tyrrell's creek, with the rest of his men formed facing north, on the west of the creek. General Rains' Missourians at the north end of the camp were quickly dispersed by Lyon's column, leaving aey had already stolen away and were ascending the hill from which they had begun the attack upon Rains at dawn; that they had at last abandoned the field for which they had fought so bravely and so w. My command was soon ready. The Missourians, under Generals Slack, Clark, McBride, Parsons and Rains, were nearest the position taken by General Lyon with his main force. They were instantly turne
, having failed to induce General McCulloch, commanding the Arkansas troops, to unite with him, made a forward movement toward the Missouri river with his Missouri command, directing his march against Lexington, via Warrensburg. There he was joined by Thomas A. Harris, whom he had appointed brigadier-general in the State Guard. General Harris, upon his little staff of three men, had recruited a force of 2,700. Price besieged Lexington with the forces under Generals Harris, Steele, Parsons, Rains, McBride, Slack, Congreve, Jackson and Atchison, and on September 20, 1861, after 54 hours incessant attack, he was successful, capturing 3,500 prisoners, 3,000 stands of arms, 5 pieces of artillery and 2 mortars, 750 horses and $100,000 worth of commissary stores, besides $900,000 in money, which had been taken from the Bank of Lexington by the besieged (and was now restored at once), together with Colonels Mulligan, Marshall, Van Horn, Peabody, Gowen, White and 118 commissioned officers.
e exceedingly active. . . Missourians in Arkansas, belonging to the old State Guard, were strongly desirous to revive that organization. Embarrassment on that score was prevented by accepting their general officers—Brigadier-Generals McBride and Rains—into the Confederate service, conditioned upon the approval of the secretary of war. . . . Being apprised that there were large bodies of troops in Texas unemployed, I applied to Brigadier-Generals Hebert and [H. E.] McCulloch to send or, if prgan's regiments of Arkansas infantry, and Woodruff's Arkansas battery, was ordered to take post at Des Arc and report to General Hindman. Buford's regiment of Texas cavalry and Etter's Arkansas battery were ordered to Elkhorn to report to General Rains. Grinsted's Arkansas infantry and the infantry of General McBride's command were to move to Yellville and report to Brig.-Gen. M. M. Parsons. Col. R. G. Shaver was relieved of the command of Shaver's brigade, Roane's division, and orde
, two regiments of Missourians, under Brigadier-General Rains, and three regiments of Arkansans, unittle Rock. The command thus devolved on General Rains. I instructed him to make no aggressive mperating with an advance of the infantry under Rains, and he had already issued preliminary orders time, we were some 40 miles in advance of General Rains, and were required to scout all the countrter the battle of Newtonia he advanced against Rains with 10,000 men, occupied Newtonia after a skin arriving at Fayetteville, I learned that General Rains, with the armed infantry, one regiment of rksville, and started to Huntsville. . . . General Rains informed me that he had retired from Elkho, in the direction of Yellville. I placed General Rains in command of the two brigades of Texas an On that day I accepted the resignation of General Rains and relieved him from duty. I placed Brigevidently learned the exact whereabouts of General Rains' late camp. Their advance was resisted b