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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
Book notices. Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. By Francis Winthrop Palfrey. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co. We have received from the publishers, through J. W. Randolph & English, Richmond, a copy of this beautifully gotten up book. It is the biography of a young man of fine talents and culture who entered the Federal army as captain in the Twentieth Massachusetts regiment and rose to the rank of brigadier-general; who lost his leg and was otherwise wounded in the service; whose whole soul was in the cause he espoused, but who seems to have fully recognized that the war closed when the Confederate armies surrendered, and to have devoted himself earnestly to bringing about real peace between the North and the South. The book is well written, and the extracts from his diary and private letters give freshness to the narrative. If we were disposed to criticise the fact that some bitter and (as we hold) very unjust expressions towards the South in his army letters are al
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Two witnesses on the treatment of prisoners --Hon. J. P. Benjamin and General B. F. Butler. (search)
ll the other belligerent should succeed in capturing an equivalent number for exchange. When this proposal was made by us, we held a larger number of prisoners than were in the hands of the enemy. It was accepted by General Wool as one of the terms of the cartel, but, unfortunately, some successes of our enemies intervened before ratification by their government. They obtained, in their turn, an excess of prisoners, and at once refused to ratify the cartel. In the ensuing year, when General Randolph was Secretary of War, the Confederates were a second time in posession of an excess of prisoners, and succeeded in negotiating a cartel under which they liberated many thousands of prisoners on parole, without any present equivalent, thus securing in advance the liberation of a like number of their own soldiers that might afterward fall into the enemy's hands. This cartel remained for many months in operation. No check or difficulty occurred as long as we made a majority of captures.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Literary notices. (search)
n such matters to procure the book, that they may see for themselves what this foreign prince has to say of Chancellorsville, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, etc. Virginia Historical collections. Vol. III. New series. Dinwiddie Papers. Vol. I. 1751-1755. Edited by R. A. Brock, Correspondent Secretary, and published by the Virginia Historical Society. This book (for a copy of which we are indebted to the editor) is a credit to all concerned. The printer (W. Ellis Jones) and the binders (J. W. Randolph & English) have done their work admirably, while Mr. Brock displays his usual taste and historic research in his introduction and in his valuable notes on the text. It is needless to add that a collection of letters and papers concerning events which transpired during the important and stirring period of colonial history from 1751 to 1755 cannot fail to be of deep interest and permanent historic value, and as these papers are published for the first time from the original Mss. they ar
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Literary notices. (search)
book as written in admirable spirit, and as a very valuable addition to the books we would put into the hands of our youth, and place in our library for future reference and study. We need scarcely add that the publishers have done their work in the most satisfactory manner; the imprint of Houghton, Mifflin & Co. is a sufficient guarantee for that. life of James Buchanan. By George Ticknor Curtis. Two volumes. New York: Harper & Brothers. We are indebted to the publishers (through Randolph & English, Richmond,) for a copy of these deeply interesting volumes. Reserving for a full review at least the parts of the work which bear on the origin of the War between the States, we can only say now that Mr. Curtis had full access to the private papers and correspondence of Mr. Buchanan, as well as to all necessary public documents, that he seems to have used his material with sound judgment and pains-taking diligence; that he, on the one hand, allows the subject to tell the story of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notice. (search)
Book notice. The life and campaigns of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart, Commander of the cavalry Army of Northern Virginia. By Major H. B. Mcclellan. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; Richmond, Va.: J. W. Randolph & English. We said two years ago that we had had the privilege of reading some of Major McClellan's Mss., and that he would produce a book of rare interest and great historic value. The book, gotten up in the best style of the bookmaker's art, is now before us, and we do not hesitate to say that it more than fulfills our prophecy. Major McClellan had a rare subject for an interesting book, and he has been fully equal to the occasion. Major-General J. E. B. Stuart, or Jeb. Stuart, as he was familiarly called, was unquestionably one of the prominent figures of the war—in our judgment, the ablest cavalry leader which the war produced on either side. He handled infantry with great skill, was delighted when he could crowd them with artillery, and seem
eeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, Silver Medal. To the Lester Manufacturing Company, for Sewing Machines, First-Class Diploma. To Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines, First Class Diploma. Class no. 6.-- Lithographing, Drawing and Grecian Paintings. To E. Crellen for specimens of Lithographic Drawings, First-Class Diploma. To Hover & Ludwig for specimens of Lithographs, Second-Class Diploma. Class no. 7-- Bookbinding. To West & Johnston, Silver Medal. To J. W. Randolph, Certificate of Silver Medal, having received a Sliver Medal at a previous exhibition. Class no. 8.-- Embroidery on Cambric, Linen, &c. To Miss E. T. Gouldin. for a worked Skirt and Dress, First-Class Premium, $3. To Mrs. S. E. Child, for Infant's Dress. Second-Class Premium, $2. To Miss M. Barnes, for Infant's Skirt, Third-Class Premium, $1. Class no. 9. -- Embroidery on Worsted and Silk. To a Pupil of St. Joseph's Academy, for Silk Embroiders, First-C
in horsemanship, scampered off to some distant point as if he were entered for a four mile race. Everything wore a martial appearance, and everybody seemed to enjoy the spectacle. When the drums of the First Regiment announced the approach of that fine body of soldiers, there was a general commotion on the grounds. The regiment entered the Broad street gate, was met by a squadron of cavalry, and marched to the place of parade. We observed the following companies: Howitzer Co. H. Capt. Randolph; Grays, Co. A, Lieut. Bossieux; Co. B. Lieut. Mitchell; Co. F. Capt. Cary; Montgomery Guard, Co. C. Capt. Dooley; Blues, Lieut. Scott; Co. I. Captain Morris; Co. G, Capt. Gordon; Co. E. Rifles, Capt. Miller. The Public Guard, Lieut. Gay commanding, was also in the line, We can say unhesitatingly, that while we have seen the regiment parade in greater force, we never saw it look better than on this occasion. The men marched well, and exhibited in their general movements a proficiency s
— Nomination for the Legislature, &c. Charlottesville, Va. Dec. 3 --A0t a large assemblage of men of all parties, held here today. (Court day,) resolutions were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted, against coercion in any event; in favor of the equality of the States above the Federal Union; against the agitation of slavery; demanding a final settlement now of all difficulties, or a dissolution of the Union; believing a State Convention absolutely necessary; against the reopening of the African slave trade; calling for a full deliberation among the people of all the States, a conference of all the Southern States recommended, and separate action deprived; also, favoring a National Convention. The resolutions were sustained in able speeches by the leaders of all parties, among the most prominent of whom were Messrs. Massie, Southard, Randolph, Leake, Wood, Gordon, and Watson. Thomas Wood, a States-Rights Whig, was unanimously nominated for the Legislature.
Interesting Sermons. There are for gratuitous distribution, at J. W. Randolph's Bookstore, a number of copies of Sermons delivered in New Orleans on the 29th November, by Rev. Drs.Palmer and Leacock. They are remarkable for ability, while they defend the institutions of the South.
Prosperous. --The Howitzer company has been turned into a battalion, of which George W? Randolph has been elected Major. To show the popularity of the Howitzers, we may say that they now number over three hundred men, two hundred and sixty-odd, of which are in garrison here, and forty-five on duty down the river.
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